If You Say Any Of These 16 Things You’re An Extremely Humble Person

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If you ever met someone who radiates a quiet confidence, you’ve met a truly humble person.

Humility isn’t about putting yourself down; it’s about recognising your strengths while acknowledging your limitations and appreciating what other people bring to the proverbial table. It’s a subtle art, often revealed in the little things we say and do. Here are some phrases that might just give away your humble heart.

1. You frequently say, “I don’t know.”

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You’re not afraid to admit when you don’t have all the answers. You see knowledge as an ongoing journey, not a destination. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know, but I’d love to learn more about it.” This shows you’re open to new ideas and willing to grow.

2. “Thank you” is your go-to phrase.


Gratitude flows naturally from your heart. You appreciate the big and small gestures, the efforts people make, and the kindness they show. You recognise that you’re not an island, and you’re thankful for the people who support and enrich your life.

3. You often use “we” instead of “I.”


You see yourself as part of a team, a community, a shared experience. You recognise that your accomplishments are often the result of collaborative efforts. You’re quick to share credit and acknowledge other people’s contributions.

4. You’re a champion of the underdog.


You genuinely celebrate other people’s successes, big or small. You don’t feel threatened by their achievements; instead, you’re inspired and motivated. You’re quick to offer praise, encouragement, and support.

5. You can laugh at yourself.

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You don’t take yourself too seriously. You can poke fun at your own quirks and shortcomings. You’re not afraid to be silly or make mistakes because you know that it’s all part of being human.

6. You admit your mistakes and apologise sincerely.

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You’re not afraid to own up to your errors. You understand that everyone makes mistakes, and you see them as opportunities for growth. You offer sincere apologies and take steps to make amends when necessary.

7. You value feedback and are willing to learn from people who know more than you.

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You have a growth mindset and see feedback as a valuable tool for self-improvement. You’re open to constructive criticism and actively look for opportunities to learn and grow from other people’s experiences.

8. You’re comfortable with silence.

You don’t feel the need to fill every silence with chatter. You’re content to simply be present, to observe, and to reflect. You value meaningful conversations over empty small talk.

9. You say “I was lucky” more often than “I worked hard.”

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You recognise that luck and opportunity play a role in success, along with hard work and talent. You acknowledge the advantages you’ve been given and appreciate the support you’ve received along the way.

10. You ask for help when you need it.

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You don’t see asking for help as a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a sign of strength and self-awareness. You understand that everyone needs support sometimes, and you’re not afraid to reach out and ask for it.

11. You’re not afraid to be vulnerable.

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You’re willing to share your struggles, fears, and doubts with people you trust. You understand that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a way to connect with people on a deeper level.

12. You focus on serving other people.

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You find joy in helping people and making a positive impact on the world. You’re not motivated by personal gain or recognition, but by a genuine desire to contribute to the greater good.

13. You don’t brag about your accomplishments.

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You let your actions speak for themselves. You’re not interested in showing off or seeking attention. Your work and your character are enough to speak volumes about your capabilities.

14. You’re always willing to lend a helping hand.

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You’re the first to offer assistance when someone needs it, whether it’s a friend, family member, or stranger. You believe in paying it forward and helping people succeed.

15. You’re open to different perspectives.

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You’re not quick to judge people or dismiss their opinions. You value diversity of thought and are willing to engage in meaningful dialogue with people who have different beliefs and backgrounds.

16. You strive for continuous self-improvement.

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You’re always looking for ways to learn, grow, and become a better person. You see life as a journey of self-discovery and are committed to evolving and expanding your horizons.