A little empathy goes a long way in life, but heartless people couldn’t care less.
Here are some of the things you’ll hear come out of their mouths that are dismissive, hurtful, and incredibly damaging.
1. “I don’t care either way, to be honest.”

This simple phrase can be a major red flag. It might seem harmless in casual conversation, but if someone uses it often, especially when it comes to other people’s feelings or struggles, it can reveal a lack of empathy and concern. A heartless person might say “I don’t care” when a friend is upset or when discussing a serious issue, showing a disregard for others’ emotions and experiences.
2. “That’s not my problem, though.”

This is a classic deflection tactic used by heartless people to avoid taking responsibility or showing compassion. When someone needs help or support, a heartless person might utter these words to distance themselves from the situation and avoid any emotional involvement. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not going to inconvenience myself for your problems.”
3. “You’re kind of overreacting.”

Invalidating someone’s feelings will obviously make them feel unheard and unimportant. A heartless person might use this phrase to dismiss someone’s concerns, emotions, or experiences. It’s a way to shut down any vulnerability or emotional expression, making the other person feel like their feelings are not valid or worthy of attention.
4. “Get over it, come on.”

Telling someone to “get over it” is dismissive and insensitive, especially when they’re dealing with a difficult situation or experiencing emotional pain. It minimises their struggles and implies that their feelings are trivial or unimportant. A heartless person might use this phrase to avoid dealing with someone’s emotions or to simply shut down the conversation.
5. “I’m just being really honest.”

While honesty is generally a good thing, there’s a difference between being honest and being brutal. A heartless person might use this phrase to justify their hurtful comments or insensitive remarks. They might disguise their cruelty as “honesty,” but their actual intention is to belittle or make someone feel bad about themselves.
6. “Why are so sensitive all the time?”

This phrase is a classic way to shift the blame and invalidate someone’s feelings. It implies that the person is overreacting or being unreasonable, rather than acknowledging their valid emotions. A heartless person might use this phrase to avoid taking responsibility for their own hurtful actions, or to simply dismiss someone’s feelings as unimportant.
7. “You’re lucky it’s not worse.”

This minimises someone’s pain or struggles by comparing it to something worse. It’s a way of saying that their problems are not that bad and that they should be grateful for what they have. A heartless person might use this phrase to invalidate someone’s feelings and make them feel like they’re not allowed to be upset or ask for help and support.
8. “It’s your own fault, to be honest.”

Blaming the victim is a common tactic used by heartless people to avoid taking responsibility or showing compassion. When someone is going through a difficult time, a heartless person might say, “It’s your own fault” to shift the blame and avoid any emotional involvement. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not going to help you because you brought this on yourself.”
9. “You’re being really dramatic.”

This phrase minimises and dismisses someone’s emotional experience, implying that they are exaggerating or being overly sensitive. A heartless person might use this to shut down a conversation or avoid acknowledging the validity of someone’s feelings. It’s a way of saying, “Your emotions are inconvenient, and I don’t want to deal with them.”
10. “I’m too busy for this kind of stuff.”

When someone needs support or a listening ear, a heartless person might claim to be too busy to offer their time or attention. This can make the person feel unimportant and like their needs are not a priority. While everyone has busy lives, a truly caring person will make an effort to be there for their loved ones, even if it means adjusting their schedule.
11. “It’s not really that big of a deal.”

This diminishes the importance of someone’s problem or concern. A heartless person might use it to downplay someone’s struggles or to make them feel like they’re overreacting. It’s a way of saying, “Your problems are insignificant compared to mine (or to what others are going through).”
12. “Why are you so negative every day?”

Instead of offering support or empathy to someone who is struggling, a heartless person might criticise them for expressing their negative emotions. This can make the person feel ashamed of their feelings and less likely to get help or support. It’s a way of saying, “Your negativity is inconvenient for me, so stop it.”
13. “You should just try to be happy.”

This toxic positivity phrase negates the complexity of human emotions. It implies that someone should simply choose to be happy, regardless of their circumstances or struggles. A heartless person might use this phrase to avoid dealing with someone’s pain or to simply shut down the conversation. It’s a way of saying, “I don’t want to acknowledge your pain, so just pretend to be happy.”
14. “You’ll get over it eventually, won’t you?”

This dismisses the intensity and duration of someone’s pain or grief. It suggests that their feelings are temporary and insignificant, and that they should simply move on. A heartless person might use this phrase to avoid offering comfort or support, or to simply avoid dealing with difficult emotions.
15. “Stop being incredibly dramatic.”

This phrase is often used to invalidate someone’s emotions, especially when they’re expressing their pain or frustration. It suggests that their reactions are exaggerated or unwarranted, and that they should simply calm down and be more rational. A heartless person might use this phrase to shut down the conversation or to avoid dealing with someone’s emotional needs.
16. “I warned you.”

This is a classic example of heartless behaviour when someone is struggling or facing the consequences of a decision. Instead of offering support or empathy, a heartless person might say, “I warned you,” to rub salt in the wound and make the person feel even worse. It’s a way of saying, “I told you so, and now you’re suffering because you didn’t listen to me.”