Some people have a gift for sucking the energy out of the room within a few seconds of entering it.

They’re just bad vibes all around, and they make any time with them feel interminable. While these obnoxious people come from all different walks of life, there are certain qualities most of them tend to have in common.
1. They’re always the victim.

Nothing’s ever their fault. The world’s always out to get them, and they’ve got a sob story for every situation. Hanging out with them feels like you’re stuck in a never-ending pity party. It’s exhausting trying to constantly reassure someone who’s determined to see themselves as the underdog in every scenario.
2. They’re chronic one-uppers.

You ran a 5K? They ran a marathon. You got a promotion? They just started their own company. These folks can’t let anyone else have a moment in the sun. It’s like every conversation is a competition they have to win. Good luck trying to share any good news without them swooping in to steal the spotlight.
3. They gossip… constantly.

They’ve always got the latest dirt on everyone, and they can’t wait to spill it. Hanging out with them feels like you’re trapped in a real-life tabloid. You start to wonder what they’re saying about you when you’re not around. It’s hard to trust someone who treats other people’s lives like their personal soap opera.
4. They’re never wrong.

Admitting a mistake? Not in their vocabulary. These folks will argue until they’re blue in the face rather than concede a point. It’s their way or the highway, and heaven help you if you try to suggest otherwise. Conversations with them often feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall.
5. They’re energy vampires.

You know the type — you spend an hour with them, and suddenly, you feel like you need a nap. They suck all the positivity out of a room faster than you can say “Debbie Downer.” It’s as if they’ve got a black hole where their personality should be, and it’s constantly trying to pull you in.
6. They’re always late.

Time is apparently a foreign concept to these folks. They stroll in 30 minutes late without so much as an apology, as if everyone’s day revolves around their schedule. It’s disrespectful and shows they value their time more than anyone else’s. Good luck trying to make plans with them — you’ll probably be gray by the time they show up.
7. They’re know-it-alls.

These people have an opinion on everything, and it’s always the right one. They’ll “well, actually” you to death, even on topics they clearly know nothing about. Trying to have a conversation with them is like playing chess with a pigeon — no matter what, they’ll strut around like they’ve won.
8. They’re attention seekers.

If they’re not the centre of attention, they’re not happy. They’ll do or say anything to get all eyes on them, even if it means creating drama or making other people uncomfortable. It’s like they never outgrew the “look at me” phase from kindergarten.
9. They’re chronic complainers.

Nothing’s ever good enough for these folks. The weather’s always too hot or too cold, the food’s never quite right, the service is always lacking. Being around them is like listening to a broken record of negativity. You start to wonder if they even know what happiness feels like.
10. They’re boundary pushers.

Personal space? Never heard of it. These people are always pushing the limits, whether it’s with inappropriate jokes, unwanted physical contact, or prying into your personal life. It’s like they’ve got a radar for what makes people uncomfortable, and they aim straight for it.
11. They’re always on their phone.

Trying to have a conversation with them is like talking to a wall — a wall that occasionally looks up to say “huh?” before going back to scrolling. They’re physically present but mentally checked out. It’s amazing how they can make you feel lonely, even when you’re sitting right next to them.
12. They’re judgmental.

These folks have an opinion on how everyone else should live their lives, and they’re not shy about sharing it. They’ll criticise your clothes, your job, your relationships — nothing’s off limits. Being around them feels like you’re constantly under a microscope, and it’s not a fun one.
13. They’re always borrowing (and never returning).

“Can I borrow five bucks?” “Mind if I take this book?” Somehow, their “borrowing” turns into permanent ownership. They treat the world like their personal Lost and Found, where everything they want is up for grabs. Good luck ever seeing that jumper again.
14. They’re fake nice.

Their smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes, and their compliments always feel backhanded. You can practically see the insincerity oozing out of them. It’s exhausting trying to navigate a conversation where you’re constantly second-guessing their true intentions.
15. They’re perpetually negative.

These folks could find a cloud in every silver lining. They’ve got a knack for sucking the joy out of any situation. Sharing good news with them is like throwing a party and having someone pop all the balloons as soon as they arrive.
16. They’re overly competitive.

Everything’s a contest to them, even when it really shouldn’t be. Family game night turns into a battle royale, and don’t even think about mentioning your achievements unless you want to start a “who’s done it better” showdown.
17. They’re always trying to “fix” you.

These people seem to think everyone else is a project that needs their expert guidance. They’ve always got unsolicited advice on how you should live your life, as if they’ve got it all figured out. They can’t accept that different people might want different things.