Is there anything more annoying than someone who goes out of their way to seem like a genius when in reality, they’re actually a bit thick?

They’re not idiots, by any means, but in their overriding efforts to seem clever, they end up sounding exactly the opposite. Here are some of the phrases they regularly throw into conversation when they’re trying to sound like intellectual bigwigs.
1. “Actually…”

They jump in to correct tiny details that don’t really matter to the conversation. You could be telling a story about your dog, and they’ll interrupt to explain the exact scientific classification of canines. They’re so busy trying to prove they know something that they miss the whole point of the chat. The need to constantly correct just makes everyone feel awkward.
2. “I read a study somewhere…”

They vaguely reference research without being able to tell you anything specific about it. When asked for details, they get fuzzy about where they saw it or what exactly it said. They use this phrase to back up their opinions but can never quite remember where this magical study came from. It’s their go-to move for sounding authoritative without having to provide real evidence.
3. “Well, if you understood basic…”

They dismiss other people’s views by suggesting they just don’t grasp fundamental concepts. Instead of having a real discussion, they talk down to people as if everyone else missed some obvious lesson. This phrase usually comes right before they explain something in the most complicated way possible. They make simple ideas sound complex just to appear knowledgeable.
4. “I don’t even own a TV…”

They mention this without being asked, usually with a slight smile that suggests they’re above such basic entertainment. They’ll tell you about all the philosophical books they read instead, making sure everyone knows how intellectually superior their hobbies are. Never mind that they binge-watch the same shows on their laptop — hat’s different, apparently.
5. “Devil’s advocate here…”

They love starting arguments just to show they can argue both sides, even when nobody asked for a debate. These conversations usually pop up during casual chats where everyone else was just having a nice time. They think starting conflicts makes them look clever, but really it just makes them seem like they’re trying too hard.
6. “As an intellectual…”

Anyone who actually needs to announce this probably isn’t one. They use this phrase before sharing pretty standard opinions that they’ve dressed up in fancy words. Real deep thinkers rarely feel the need to label themselves this way. It’s like they’re wearing a badge that says, “please think I’m smart.”
7. “You’re pronouncing it wrong…”

They love correcting pronunciation, especially of foreign words or fancy terms. Even if they’ve never been to Italy, they’ll make sure everyone knows it’s ‘bruSHetta’ not ‘bruschetta.’ They’ll interrupt conversations just to fix these supposed errors, completely killing the flow of any chat.
8. “It’s quite elementary…”

They describe complex topics as ‘simple’ or ‘basic’ to make themselves seem extra smart for understanding them. When people admit they don’t follow, they act surprised that everyone doesn’t grasp these ‘obvious’ concepts. They’re more interested in appearing knowledgeable than actually helping other people understand.
9. “My IQ is…”

They bring up their supposed IQ score in totally unrelated conversations. Whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter — the fact they think it’s relevant to mention shows they’re more focused on proving their intelligence than having real discussions. They treat intelligence like it’s a score in a game they’re winning.
10. “In my expert opinion…”

They claim expertise in whatever topic comes up, usually based on having read a few online articles. Somehow, they’re always an authority on whatever’s being discussed, regardless of their actual background or experience. Their ‘expert opinions’ often sound suspiciously like something they just googled.
11. “You clearly don’t understand…”

When someone disagrees with them, they assume it must be because the other person doesn’t understand, never because they might actually have a different valid perspective. Rather than considering other viewpoints, they just repeat their own ideas using bigger words. The thought that they might be wrong never crosses their mind.
12. “I find shallow people boring…”

They regularly announce how they can’t relate to ‘normal’ people or ordinary conversations. Every chat needs to be deep and meaningful, even if you’re just trying to decide where to grab lunch. They act like having fun or enjoying simple things means you’re not intellectual enough for them.
13. “Let me play you something obscure…”

They dismiss popular music, films, or books as too ‘mainstream,’ always pushing their ultra-obscure alternatives instead. They act like enjoying anything well-known automatically makes you less intelligent. Every recommendation comes with a lecture about why their taste is more sophisticated than everyone else’s.
14. “Not many people get my sense of humour…”

When their jokes fall flat, they blame everyone else for not being smart enough to understand their wit. Rather than accepting that maybe the joke just wasn’t funny, they suggest everyone else just isn’t intellectual enough to appreciate their superior humour. They turn every awkward moment into proof of their genius.
15. “According to quantum physics…”

They sprinkle scientific terms into completely unrelated conversations. Suddenly, quantum mechanics explains their dating life, or thermodynamics proves why they’re right about office politics. They grab complex-sounding concepts and apply them randomly to sound more knowledgeable.
16. “You should really question everything…”

They try to seem deep by doubting absolutely everything, even obvious facts. Every conversation turns into a philosophical debate about whether we can really know anything for sure. They mistake constant scepticism for intelligence, even when it just makes simple discussions unnecessarily complicated.