We all know people who seem to radiate warmth and compassion. They’re the ones who make us feel seen, heard, and valued. But then, there are those who, well, don’t quite hit the mark. It’s not always intentional, but their words and actions can sometimes come across as insensitive or even hurtful. Here are some behaviours that might indicate a lack of kindness and empathy.
1. They interrupt and talk over people.

Ever been mid-sentence, only to have someone cut you off and start talking about themselves? It’s not a great feeling. People who frequently interrupt people often prioritise their own thoughts and feelings over those of the person speaking. They may not even realise they’re doing it, but it can be a sign that they’re not fully engaged in the conversation or interested in what the other person has to say. A little patience and active listening can go a long way in showing respect and fostering a more meaningful exchange.
2. They dismiss or belittle people’s feelings.

When someone shares their feelings or experiences, a kind and empathetic response is to validate those emotions, even if you don’t necessarily agree with them. However, some people might brush off people’s feelings, saying things like “It’s not a big deal” or “You’re overreacting.” This dismissive attitude can be incredibly hurtful and invalidating. It sends the message that the other person’s emotions aren’t important or valid, which can damage trust and erode the relationship.
3. They lack active listening skills.

Active listening is more than just hearing the words someone says; it’s about paying attention to their tone of voice, body language, and underlying emotions. People who lack active listening skills often appear distracted or disinterested. They might interrupt, check their phone, or change the subject abruptly. This lack of engagement can make the other person feel unheard and unimportant, which can lead to frustration and resentment.
4. They rarely offer help or support.

We all need a helping hand sometimes. Whether it’s a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or practical assistance, offering support is a fundamental way to show kindness and empathy. However, some people consistently fail to offer help when needed. They might make excuses, avoid the situation altogether, or simply not notice that someone is struggling. This lack of support can make people feel isolated and alone, especially during difficult times.
5. They focus on themselves and their own needs.

We all have our own needs and desires, and it’s important to take care of ourselves. However, when someone is overly focused on their own agenda, they might neglect people’s needs and feelings. They might dominate conversations, always steer the topic back to themselves, or fail to consider how their actions might impact other people. This self-centredness can make it difficult to form meaningful connections and can leave people feeling unheard and unimportant.
6. They make insensitive or hurtful remarks.

Words can be incredibly powerful, and they can either build someone up or tear them down. People who lack empathy might inadvertently make insensitive or hurtful remarks without realising the impact of their words. They might make jokes at someone else’s expense, use offensive language, or criticise people harshly. These words can cut deep and create lasting wounds. It’s important to be mindful of our language and choose our words carefully to avoid causing unnecessary pain.
7. They fail to apologise or take responsibility.

Everyone makes mistakes, but it takes courage and humility to admit when we’re wrong and apologise. People who lack empathy might struggle to take responsibility for their actions or acknowledge the hurt they’ve caused. They might make excuses, shift the blame onto other people, or simply refuse to apologise. This lack of accountability can damage relationships and make it difficult to rebuild trust.
8. They lack compassion for other people’s struggles.

Life is full of challenges, and we all face hardships at some point. A compassionate person can put themselves in someone else’s shoes, understand their pain, and offer support and encouragement. However, those who lack empathy might struggle to connect with people on an emotional level. They might dismiss other people’s problems as trivial, offer unhelpful advice, or simply not know what to say. This lack of compassion can make other people feel isolated and misunderstood.
9. They gossip and spread rumours.

Gossiping and spreading rumours about other people is a guaranteed way to create negativity and hurt feelings. People who engage in this behaviour often lack empathy and fail to consider the impact their words can have on people. They might derive a sense of power or satisfaction from spreading gossip, but it ultimately erodes trust and creates a toxic environment. It’s important to be mindful of what we say about people, even in casual conversations, and to choose kindness and compassion over negativity.
10. They lack self-awareness and refuse to change.

Self-awareness is the ability to recognise our own strengths, weaknesses, and the impact we have on other people. People who lack self-awareness might be oblivious to their own hurtful behaviour, or they might simply not care. They might refuse to listen to feedback or acknowledge the harm they’ve caused. This lack of self-reflection and willingness to change can make it difficult to have healthy relationships and can perpetuate a cycle of negativity and hurt.
11. They don’t celebrate anyone else’s wins.

A truly kind and empathetic person is genuinely happy for people when they achieve something great. They celebrate their successes, offer words of encouragement, and share in their joy. However, some people might feel envious or resentful when other people succeed. They might downplay their accomplishments, make snide remarks, or simply not acknowledge their achievements. This lack of support can be demotivating and can damage relationships.
12. They hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

Holding on to anger and resentment towards other people is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It hurts us more than it hurts them. People who lack empathy might struggle to forgive people for their mistakes or past hurts. They might hold grudges, seek revenge, or simply cut people out of their lives. This unwillingness to forgive can prevent them from moving on, healing, and building stronger relationships.
13. They take advantage of people’s kindness.

Kindness should be reciprocated, not exploited. However, some people might take advantage of other people’s generosity and goodwill. They might ask for favours without offering anything in return, expect constant attention and support, or manipulate other people to get what they want. This exploitative behaviour can leave people feeling used and resentful, and it can ultimately damage trust and erode the foundation of the relationship.