People Who ‘Don’t Care What Anyone Thinks’ But Actually Do Often Say These Things


Chances are, you know someone who insists until they’re blue in the face that other people’s opinions don’t matter to them.


They claim to be so self-assured that they couldn’t care less whether someone doesn’t like them or doesn’t approve of something they do or say. Of course, the truth is that they very much do care, and they give themselves away by saying these things.

1. “I don’t even read the comments anymore.”


They’ll say they’ve stopped paying attention, but you’ll still catch them scrolling through every single comment on their latest post. The refresh button becomes their best friend, and any negative comment ends up shared in private group chats. If the reaction isn’t what they hoped for, the whole post might even disappear. Despite what they say, they’re hooked on every single response.

2. “Nobody gets my style anyway.”

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This line comes after hours spent putting together an outfit for a casual meet-up, complete with mirror selfies to get it just right. They notice every comment—or lack thereof—on their look, and if they get a compliment, they’re sure to wear that outfit again. Anything ignored by other people quietly gets retired. They’re definitely keeping track, even if they say otherwise.

3. “I stopped checking who views my stories.”


They say it like they’re above it, but they could tell you exactly who’s been watching their stories, and who’s mysteriously absent. They might even bring up the “missing viewers” in conversation, and you can bet they’ve taken screenshots of the names. Every view count is monitored, and private stories get used to test just who’s really paying attention.

4. “Must be nice having nothing better to do than gossip.”

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While claiming to hate gossip, they’ll be the first to ask mutual friends what was said about them, needing to know every detail of group conversations they missed. After any social gathering, they’ll go over every side chat or random laugh, convinced there’s some hidden meaning. Their own gossip sessions? They’re just “venting.”

5. “Unfollowed. Don’t need that negativity.”

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After a dramatic unfollow, they still keep tabs on the person they unfollowed. They might even revisit the profile through a logged-out account or ask friends what that person’s been posting. Screenshots get shared, and any mutual likes or follows are scrutinised. The whole unfollowing act becomes its own mini soap opera.

6. “Group photos are so fake anyway.”

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Right after saying this, they’ll insist on a solo photo instead of staying in the group shot. They’ll double-check every angle and might request a few retakes to get it just right. A candid solo shot is immediately posted, while any unflattering group photos are quickly untagged or deleted. Apparently, solo is the way to go.

7. “Just posting this because I’m bored.”

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The “bored” post actually took about 40 minutes to craft, with three filters tested and prime posting hours researched. They track engagement by the hour, and if the post doesn’t perform well, it’s quietly archived. Their camera roll? It’s packed with versions of that “casual” shot, just in case.

8. “No one asked for your opinion.”

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They may claim they don’t want feedback, yet their status updates seem designed to draw specific responses. Vague or cryptic posts invite attention, and every reply gets analysed for hidden meanings. Comment sections can fill up with defensive replies, and any discussions continue in private messages.

9. “I’m just doing me.”

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Everything they do comes with a social media update, whether it’s a small achievement or a big life event. Updates are posted with particular viewers in mind, and “casual” success posts are anything but random. Every story, every post, is part of a planned reveal, ready to be seen by the right people.

10. “People talk about me because they’re jealous.”

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They claim any negative attention is driven by jealousy, yet they can’t help but check in on what’s being said. Conversations subtly steer toward rumours, and they’ll drop “clarifications” on social media that respond to unspoken criticism. Every look from other people is treated as a potential judgement.

11. “Left that group chat. Don’t need the drama.”

man texting on phoneSource: Unsplash

They may leave the group chat with a dramatic exit, but they keep updated through friends still in it. Screenshots are requested, updates are shared indirectly, and sometimes new group chats form just to discuss the old one. The “drama” they claim to avoid seems to follow them everywhere.

12. “Wear whatever you want. Who cares?”

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Despite saying they don’t care about style, they make sure every outfit matches current trends perfectly. Tags from shopping trips remain visible, and they’ll shop for new pieces before every event. Even bargain finds get untagged if they don’t fit the “look” they’re going for.

13. “Not explaining myself anymore.”

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They might say they’re done justifying their choices, but they’ll leave lengthy explanations under every post that gets misinterpreted. Private messages go out to clarify their side, and their story highlights are filled with posts defending past actions. Their notes app? It’s packed with responses just waiting to be posted.

14. “Living rent-free in their heads.”

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Every post, every update is carefully planned to get a reaction. They’ll post throwbacks or achievements timed to prove a point, targeting specific people without naming them. Old photos resurface with strategic captions, and there’s always a subtle message behind the timing.

15. “Can’t believe people care about likes.”

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For someone who doesn’t care about likes, they check their post engagement obsessively. Good reactions get shared repeatedly, while posts that don’t perform are swiftly deleted. Their insights page is refreshed hourly, and they stick to a strict schedule for posting times.

16. “I’m done announcing things online.”

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They may say they’re over sharing, but every big life update still comes with a carefully crafted caption. Relationship statuses, progress photos, and achievements all get their own posts, with hints dropped in advance to build suspense. Their “close friends” list grows before each big announcement, ensuring maximum visibility.