People Who Never Take Anything Seriously Tend To Do These 14 Things

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Some people really do seem to float through life without a care in the world.

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While other people are stressed out or serious, they’re acting as if everything is one big old laugh fest and nothing really matters. They find it hard to take anything seriously, which means they tend to do these (rather annoying) things.

1. They turn everything into a joke, even in serious situations.

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They’re great at finding the funny side in every situation, and while it can lighten the mood, it can also be inappropriate when the situation calls for seriousness. They might crack a joke at a funeral or make light of a friend’s breakup. Whatever the case, their constant joking can sometimes come across as insensitive or immature, especially to people who are genuinely upset or concerned.

2. They’re always late and don’t seem bothered by it.

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Time is a flexible concept for them. They’ll stroll in 20 minutes late to a meeting without a hint of guilt or concern. To them, punctuality just isn’t that important, and their behaviour is particularly frustrating for friends, colleagues, or family members who value timeliness and feel disrespected by their cavalier attitude towards other people’s time. It might also make it hard for them to hold down a job!

3. They rarely plan ahead and prefer to “wing it”.

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Long-term planning isn’t their forte. Instead, they prefer to live in the moment and figure things out as they go along. Whether it’s a holiday or a work project, they’re more likely to improvise than prepare. While spontaneity can lead to exciting adventures, it can also result in unnecessary stress and complications that could have been avoided with a bit of forethought.

4. They brush off criticism with a shrug or a laugh.

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When faced with feedback or criticism, these people tend to laugh it off rather than take it on board. They might say something like, “Oops, my bad!” and move on without really addressing the issue. Argh! Their total inability to accept constructive criticism can make personal growth and professional development, nearly impossible, as they miss out on opportunities to learn and improve.

5. They often forget important dates or commitments.

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Birthdays, anniversaries, deadlines — these can all slip by unnoticed. It’s not that they don’t care, they just don’t put much emphasis on remembering these things. Sadly, their forgetfulness can strain relationships and lead to missed opportunities, as a lot of people will see their behaviour as a lack of consideration or importance.

6. They’re quick to change plans at the last minute.

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Commitments are more like suggestions to them. They might agree to plans and then change their mind at the drop of a hat, often with little consideration for the other people involved. Their unpredictability can be exhausting for friends and family who try to include them in plans or rely on them for support.

7. They rarely get stressed or worked up about anything.


While this can be a positive trait, it can also be frustrating for the people around them. Even in high-pressure situations, these people remain remarkably calm — sometimes to the point of seeming indifferent. Their lack of stress can be misinterpreted as a lack of care or commitment, which can be problematic in both personal and professional relationships.

8. They often use phrases like “it’s not that deep” or “it’s not the end of the world”.

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These are their go-to responses when people express concern or stress about a situation. Sure, it can offer a bit of perspective, but it can also come across as dismissive of people’s feelings. Their tendency to downplay people’s serious and legitimate concerns can leave friends and loved ones feeling unheard or unsupported, potentially damaging their relationships over time.

9. They’re resistant to taking on responsibilities.

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Responsibility and commitment aren’t their strong suits. They prefer to keep things light and carefree, often avoiding roles or tasks that require consistent effort or accountability. Unfortunately for them, this can limit their personal and professional growth because they miss out on opportunities to prove their capabilities and earn people’s trust.

10. They tend to procrastinate until the very last minute.

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Deadlines are more like guidelines to these individuals. They’re likely to put things off until the eleventh hour, confident they can pull it off in the end. While they might thrive on the adrenaline rush of last-minute work, this habit can create unnecessary stress for themselves and people who depend on their output.

11. They’re often the life of the party but struggle in more formal settings.

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These people thrive in casual, fun environments, but might feel out of place or act inappropriately in more serious or formal situations. Their inability to adjust their behaviour to suit different contexts can limit their social and professional opportunities, largely because they’re seen as immature or unprofessional in certain settings.

12. They have a hard time empathising with other people’s problems.

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Because they don’t take things seriously themselves, they might struggle to understand why others get so worked up about things. This can make them seem insensitive at times. Their lack of empathy can strain relationships and make it hard for people to want to confide in them or ask for their support when they’re struggling.

13. They’re quick to dismiss rules or regulations as unimportant.

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Rules are made to be broken, right? These people often bend or ignore rules they deem unnecessary, which can lead to conflicts in work or social situations. Their total disregard for established rules can result in negative consequences, from minor social faux pas to more serious legal or professional repercussions.

14. They have a “que sera, sera” attitude towards life.

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Whatever will be, will be — that’s their motto. While this can lead to a stress-free life, it can also result in missed opportunities or unresolved problems that could have been addressed with a more serious approach. Their passive attitude towards life events can sometimes leave them unprepared for challenges or unable to capitalise on potential opportunities for growth and success.