We’ve all met people who seem great at first, but turn out to be a total nightmare.

These personality types are like red flags in disguise, pulling you in with their charm before revealing their true colours. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Here’s the scoop on 14 personality types you should watch out for, so you can spot the warning signs and save yourself a whole lot of hassle down the line.
1. The Eternal Victim

Nothing is ever their fault. They’re always the victim of circumstance, and they’ll never take responsibility for their actions. These people will drain your energy with their constant need for sympathy and validation. They’ll make you feel like you’re responsible for fixing their problems, but spoiler alert: you can’t. Save yourself the headache and steer clear of these perpetual pity-partiers.
2. The Compulsive Liar

These people lie so much, they’ve probably forgotten what the truth even is. They’ll lie about everything from their job to their childhood pet’s name. At first, their stories might seem harmless, even entertaining. But over time, you’ll realise you can’t trust a word that comes out of their mouth. If you value honesty, give these fibbers a wide berth.
3. The Narcissist

It’s all about them, all the time. They’ll monopolise every conversation, constantly seeking attention and validation. They’ll belittle your accomplishments and make you feel small, all while inflating their own ego. These people are incapable of empathy and will never truly care about anyone but themselves. Don’t let them dim your shine — you deserve better.
4. The Flake

They’ll make plans with you, then cancel at the last minute. They’ll promise to help you out, then disappear when you need them most. These unreliable types will leave you hanging more times than you can count. Don’t waste your time on people who can’t be bothered to follow through — your time and energy are too valuable for that.
5. The Gossip

They know everyone’s business and can’t wait to spill the tea. At first, it might feel like you’re bonding over shared secrets. But if they’re willing to gossip about others to you, they’re probably gossiping about you to others. These loose-lipped types can’t be trusted with sensitive information, so be careful what you share with them.
6. The Manipulator

These people are masters at getting what they want, and they’ll use every trick in the book to do it. They’ll guilt-trip you, gaslight you, and twist your words until you don’t know which way is up. They’ll make you feel like you’re the one being unreasonable for setting boundaries or saying no. Don’t fall for their mind games — trust your gut and stand your ground.
7. The Control Freak

They need to be in charge of everything, all the time. They’ll micromanage every aspect of your life, from what you wear to who you hang out with. They’ll throw a strop if things don’t go exactly their way, and they’ll make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells just to keep the peace. Don’t let them run your life — you’re an adult, and you can make your own decisions.
8. The Pessimist

Nothing is ever good enough for these Negative Nancys. They’ll find the cloud in every silver lining and drag you down with their constant complaints. They’ll shoot down your ideas and make you feel like your dreams are impossible. Don’t let their negativity rub off on you — surround yourself with people who lift you up, not tear you down.
9. The Drama Queen

Everything is a crisis with these theatrical types. They’ll turn every minor inconvenience into a soap opera-worthy meltdown, complete with tears and tantrums. They thrive on chaos and will create problems just to have something to complain about. Unless you want to spend your life putting out their self-inflicted fires, give these drama queens a wide berth.
10. The Mooch

They’re always short on cash and need a favour. At first, you might not mind spotting them a tenner here and there, but before you know it, they’re asking for bigger loans and “forgetting” to pay you back. They’ll take advantage of your generosity and make you feel guilty for setting financial boundaries. Don’t let them bleed you dry — your money is yours, and you don’t owe them a penny.
11. The Green-Eyed Monster

They can’t stand to see you succeed. Every accomplishment of yours is met with a backhanded compliment or a snide remark. They’ll try to sabotage your efforts and make you doubt yourself, all while pretending to be your biggest cheerleader. Don’t let their jealousy hold you back — keep shining, and let them stew in their own bitterness.
12. The Commitment-Phobe

They’re all in at the beginning, showering you with attention and affection. But as soon as things start to get serious, they pull away faster than you can say “where’s this going?” They’ll give you just enough hope to keep you hanging on, but they’ll never fully commit. Don’t waste your time trying to change them — if they wanted to be with you, they would be.
13. The Know-It-All

They have an opinion on everything, and they’re always right (just ask them). They’ll dismiss your ideas and make you feel stupid for not knowing as much as they do. They’re more interested in proving their own intelligence than actually having a conversation. Don’t let them make you feel inferior — intelligence comes in many forms, and theirs isn’t the only one that matters.
14. The Energy Vampire

They’re exhausting to be around. They’ll dump all their problems on you and expect you to solve them, but they’ll never reciprocate the emotional labour. They’ll leave you feeling drained and depleted, like they’ve sucked all the life out of you. Don’t let them feed off your energy — set boundaries and put your own sanity first.