Saying These 17 Things In A Conversation Shows Just How Friendly You Are

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Friendliness doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but it really should.

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It costs nothing to be kind and open with people, and it can really brighten their day. If you pride yourself on your friendliness and have a huge social circle as a result of it, chances are, these phrases are a regular part of your vocabulary.

1. “It’s great to see you!”

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This is great because it goes beyond a basic “hello” and shows that you’re genuinely happy to be in someone’s company. It creates a warm atmosphere right from the start of an interaction. Whether you’re meeting an old friend or a new acquaintance, it just sets a positive tone for the entire conversation.

2. “How have you been?”

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It’s a simple question, but it’s such a meaningful one because it shows you’re curious about what’s been going on in their lives since you last spoke. This opens up the floor for them to share the good and bad things happening at the moment and helps you feel more connected.

3. “I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.”

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By asking for someone’s perspective, you’re showing that you respect their views and consider them valuable. It can really make the other person feel important and included in the conversation. It’s a great way to encourage deeper conversation and show that you’re open to different ideas, which is a mainstay of friendly behaviour.

4. “That’s a great point.”

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Recognising what other people bring to a conversation is a friendly gesture that can really boost their confidence. It shows that you’re actively listening and appreciating what they’re saying. Plus, a bit of positive reinforcement can make people feel more comfortable opening up to you, which is essential for building friendly relationships.

5. “Thanks for sharing that with me.”

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When someone shares personal information or experiences with you, acknowledging it with gratitude can strengthen your bond. It shows that you value their trust and openness, and it can make the other person feel heard and appreciated, which makes it more likely that they’ll want to share with you in the future.

6. “I’m sorry, could you explain that again?”

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Asking for clarification proves that you’re genuinely interested in what the other person is saying and that you’re willing to put in effort to understand them fully, rather than just nodding along. This level of engagement is a clear sign of friendliness and respect for the other person’s thoughts and ideas.

7. “How can I help?”

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Friendly people don’t wait to be asked for help — they offer it willingly. This shows that you’re happy to go out of your way for other people and that you really care about them. Even if they don’t need help, the offer itself can make people feel supported and appreciated.

8. “I really admire how you…”


Offering specific praise shows that you’ve been paying attention and truly appreciate the other person’s qualities or actions. Unlike generic compliments, this kind of specific admiration feels more sincere and thoughtful. It can make the other person feel truly seen and valued, which is a powerful way to build friendly connections.

9. “What do you think about…”

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Everyone likes to be asked how they feel about things, so inquiring about their opinions shows that you value their input and want to engage them in the discussion. It’s also really inclusive and can make people feel important and respected. It’s a friendly way to keep the conversation flowing and ensure that everyone feels involved and heard.

10. “I’m looking forward to…”


Showing excitement about upcoming plans you have with someone lets them know that you enjoy their company and value your relationship. You always have a great time in their company and want them to know it, which will make them feel amazing — like they’re truly seen and appreciated.

11. “That must have been tough for you.”

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Acknowledging someone’s struggles shows emotional intelligence and compassion. When you say this, you show that you’re trying to understand their perspective and feelings. Empathy is a key component of friendliness, as it helps create a supportive and understanding environment where people feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

12. “I really enjoyed talking with you.”

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Letting someone know how grateful you are for the chat you just had as it comes to a close leaves a lasting positive impression. It shows that you found value in the conversation and enjoyed the other person’s company. This kind of affirmation can make people feel good about the time spent with you, and they’ll no doubt look forward to chatting again in the future.

13. “Let me know if you need anything.”


This gem extends your friendliness beyond the current interaction. It shows that you’re willing to be there for the person in the future, so they know your support isn’t conditional or only on offer for now. Even if they never take you up on the it, knowing that someone is willing to help can be comforting and strengthen your bond.

14. “I was thinking about you when…”

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Letting someone know they’ve crossed your mind outside of your interactions proves that they’re important to you. Whether you saw something that reminded you of them or recalled a shared experience, sharing this shows that your friendliness extends beyond face-to-face meetings. It can make people feel valued and strengthen your connection.

15. “I appreciate your honesty.”

Acknowledging when someone has been truthful, especially about difficult topics, encourages open and genuine communication. It shows that you value authenticity in your relationships. Plus, it can make people feel safe being themselves around you, which is vital for developing deep and friendly connections.

16. “You’ve inspired me to…”

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Telling someone that they’ve motivated you to take action or change your perspective is incredibly flattering because it shows that their words or actions have had a meaningful impact on your life. This kind of acknowledgment not only makes the other person feel good but also lets them know that you’re open to learning and growing through your interactions, which is a very friendly quality.

17. “I’m glad we’re friends.”

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Sometimes, it’s nice to state the obvious. Directly expressing appreciation for your friendship can be really moving. It shows that you don’t take the relationship for granted and that you actively value having this person in your life. While it might feel vulnerable to say, this kind of open appreciation can majorly strengthen friendly bonds and make the other person feel truly valued.