Class isn’t about the size of your bank account or whether you went to boarding school growing up.

In reality, it’s more about how you carry yourself and treat other people. Here are some tell-tale signs that someone might be lacking in the class department, regardless of their financial situation (because let’s be honest, some of the people with the most money are often the least refined).
1. Being late is apparently fashionable.

Some people stroll in like they’re doing everyone a favour, completely oblivious to the fact that they’ve kept everyone waiting. It’s not just about being late — it’s the lack of consideration that really shows a lack of class. A quick “sorry I’m late” goes a long way, but for these people, it’s like those words aren’t even in their vocabulary.
2. Service staff are treated like second-class citizens.

Watch how someone interacts with waiters, shop assistants, or cleaners. If they’re rude, demanding, or act like these people are beneath them, it’s a massive red flag. Treating service staff with respect is Class 101. Those who fail this basic test often reveal a lot about their character. It’s not hard to say please and thank you, but for some reason, these basic courtesies seem to escape them.
3. Conversations are apparently a competition.

Some people seem to think every conversation is a competition that they need to win. They’ll cut you off mid-sentence, talk over you, or steer every discussion back to themselves. It’s like they believe their thoughts are so important that they can’t possibly wait for you to finish speaking. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for other people and poor listening skills — both pretty crucial in the class department.
4. Gossip is their primary language.

A bit of gossip here and there is normal, but some people take it to the next level. They’re always ready with the latest dirt on someone, spreading rumours like it’s their job. It’s as if they think putting someone down will somehow lift them up. News flash: it doesn’t. All it does is show that they’ve got way too much time on their hands and not enough going on in their own lives.
5. Every conversation is a chance to brag.

We all like to celebrate our wins, but there’s a line between sharing good news and straight-up bragging. Some people cross that line so often they might as well set up camp on the other side. Every conversation becomes an opportunity to remind everyone how amazing they are. It’s exhausting for everyone around them and usually has the opposite effect of what they’re going for.
6. Their phone is more interesting than you are.

We’ve all seen them — the ones who can’t seem to put their phone down, even when they’re out with friends or family. It’s like they’re physically present but mentally checked out. They’re more interested in what’s happening on their screen than in the real world around them. It’s not just rude, it’s a clear sign that they lack the social graces to engage in actual face-to-face interaction.
7. Personal space is just a suggestion.

Some people seem to have missed the memo about personal space. They stand too close, touch people without permission, or invade privacy in other ways. It’s like they’ve got no concept of boundaries. Whether it’s physical space or emotional boundaries, respecting other people’s comfort zones is a key part of showing class. These space invaders could definitely use a refresher course.
8. Being wrong is apparently not an option.

We all make mistakes, but some people seem physically incapable of admitting it. They’ll argue until they’re blue in the face rather than say those three little words: “I was wrong.” It’s as if they think admitting a mistake will somehow diminish them. In reality, owning up to errors and learning from them is a sign of maturity and, yes, class.
9. Swearing is their favourite form of punctuation.

A well-placed swear word can be emphatic, but some people pepper their speech with so much profanity it’s like listening to a sailor with a stubbed toe. It’s not about being prudish — it’s about knowing your audience and showing some verbal restraint. The constant stream of crude language often reveals a limited vocabulary and a lack of consideration for other people’s sensibilities.
10. Cleaning up is someone else’s problem.

Whether it’s leaving a mess in a shared kitchen, not returning shopping trolleys, or littering in public spaces, some people seem to think the world is their personal maid service. They operate under the assumption that someone else will always be there to clean up their messes. This behaviour shows a lack of respect for shared spaces and the people who maintain them. It’s not hard to tidy up after yourself, but for some, it seems like an alien concept.
11. Everything should be free for them.

There’s nothing wrong with a good deal, but some people take it to the extreme. They’re always angling for something free, whether it’s sneaking extra samples or expecting friends to constantly spot them. It’s like they’ve turned mooching into an art form. This constant quest for freebies often comes across as entitled and shows a lack of self-sufficiency.
12. Other people’s time doesn’t matter.

These are the ones who cancel plans at the last minute, show up late, or drag out meetings unnecessarily. They act like their time is the only time that matters. Whether it’s keeping someone waiting or wasting hours of someone’s day, this behaviour shows a fundamental lack of respect for other people. Time is a precious resource, and treating it carelessly is a pretty clear sign of low class.
13. Everyone else is fair game for judgment.

Some people seem to have an opinion about everyone and everything, and they’re not shy about sharing it. They’ll make snap judgments based on appearances or first impressions, often loudly and publicly. It’s like they’ve appointed themselves the supreme court of… well, everything. This rush to judgment often reveals more about their own insecurities than about the people they’re judging.
14. Privacy is an alien concept.

These are the people who ask intrusive questions, share people’s personal information without permission, or snoop through things that aren’t theirs. It’s like the concept of privacy is completely foreign to them. Whether it’s physical privacy or respecting confidential information, understanding and maintaining boundaries is a key aspect of showing class.
15. The world is out to get them.

No matter what happens, it’s never their fault. They’ve always got an excuse or someone else to blame. It’s like they’re the star of their own personal soap opera where everything is always happening to them. This constant victimhood mentality not only gets old fast, but it also shows a lack of personal responsibility and emotional maturity.