You’ve no doubt met someone who has about as much class as a drunk football hooligan at a royal garden party.

These are the people who make you cringe with their behaviour and wonder how they made it this far in life without being called out. Well, I’m here to do just that. If you spot any of these 17 signs in someone, you can bet your bottom dollar they have zero class.
1. They’re rude to service workers.

If someone treats waiters, cashiers, or any other service worker like dirt, that’s a huge red flag. Classy people understand that everyone deserves respect, regardless of their job title. They say please and thank you, and they don’t snap their fingers or bark orders. If you see someone belittling the person serving their food or ringing up their purchases, you can be sure they’re lacking in the class department.
2. They gossip and spread rumours.

Classy people don’t engage in petty gossip or spread rumours about people. They understand that talking behind someone’s back is not only unkind, but it also reflects poorly on their own character. If someone is always dishing the dirt and stirring up drama, they’re showing their true colours — and those colours are definitely not classy. Steer clear of these toxic types and find friends who value discretion and loyalty instead.
3. They’re always one-upping people.

You know the type — no matter what you’ve done or accomplished, they’ve always done it better, faster, or more impressively. These one-uppers can’t stand the thought of someone else being in the spotlight, so they constantly try to outshine everyone around them. It’s not only annoying, but it’s also a sign of deep insecurity. Classy people don’t need to prove their worth by putting people down — they let their own accomplishments speak for themselves.
4. They’re chronically late.

Being fashionably late is one thing, but consistently showing up 30 minutes or more past the agreed-upon time is just plain rude. It shows a lack of respect for other people’s time and energy. Classy people understand the value of punctuality and make an effort to be on time, even if it means sacrificing their own convenience. If someone is always keeping you waiting, they’re telling you that their time is more important than yours — and that’s not classy at all.
5. They’re glued to their phone.

We’ve all been out with someone who can’t seem to put their phone down for more than five seconds. They’re constantly checking their notifications, scrolling through social media, or texting other people while you’re trying to have a conversation. It’s not only rude, but it also shows a lack of social awareness and emotional intelligence. Classy people know how to be present in the moment and give their full attention to the person they’re with.
6. They’re sore losers (and worse winners).

Someone with no class can’t handle losing gracefully. They’ll pout, whine, or accuse people of cheating if they don’t come out on top. Even worse, they’ll gloat and rub it in your face if they do win, making everyone around them feel small and inferior. Classy people understand that winning and losing are both part of life, and they handle both with dignity and grace. They congratulate the winner, and thank people for a good game, no matter the outcome.
7. They don’t respect boundaries.

People with no class have no concept of personal space or privacy. They’ll invade your bubble, pry into your personal life, and disregard your clearly stated boundaries. They think the world revolves around them and their desires, so they don’t see anything wrong with overstepping or making people uncomfortable. Classy people, on the other hand, respect people’s boundaries and autonomy. They ask before assuming and back off when asked.
8. They’re always complaining.
Some people are never satisfied, no matter how good they have it. They’ll find something to whinge about in every situation, from the weather to the food to the company they keep. They’re the ultimate Negative Nancies, and their constant complaining is a real drag to be around. Classy people understand that no one wants to hear them moan all the time, so they focus on the positive and express gratitude for what they have.
9. They’re flaky and unreliable.

If someone consistently bails on plans, shows up late (or not at all), and leaves you hanging without explanation, that’s a clear sign of no class. It shows a lack of respect for your time and a total disregard for their own commitments. Classy people understand the importance of following through on their word and being dependable. They don’t make promises they can’t keep, and they communicate clearly if plans need to change.
10. They’re judgmental and close-minded.

People with no class are quick to judge people based on superficial criteria like appearance, wealth, or social status. They’re snobby and elitist, and they look down on anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow worldview. They’re also resistant to new ideas and perspectives, preferring to stay in their own little bubble of ignorance. Classy people, on the other hand, are open-minded and accepting of other people. They don’t make snap judgments, and they’re always willing to learn and grow.
11. They’re attention seekers.

Some people will do anything for a bit of attention, even if it means making a fool of themselves. They’re the ones who are always causing a scene, interrupting people, or trying to be the centre of attention. They crave validation and approval, and they’ll go to great lengths to get it. Classy people, on the other hand, don’t need to be the star of the show all the time. They’re confident in themselves and don’t rely on other people for their sense of self-worth.
12. They’re ungrateful and entitled.

People with no class think the world owes them something. They expect special treatment and preferential treatment, even when they’ve done nothing to earn it. They don’t express gratitude for what they have, and they’re always demanding more. Classy people, on the other hand, are humble and appreciative. They understand that nothing in life is guaranteed, and they’re thankful for every opportunity and kindness that comes their way.
13. They don’t respect other people’s property.

If someone borrows your things without asking, damages your belongings, or treats your space like their own personal rubbish bin, that’s a sure sign of no class. It shows a lack of respect for your boundaries and a total disregard for your possessions. Classy people understand that other people’s property is not theirs to do with as they please. They ask before borrowing, treat other people’s things with care, and always leave a place better than they found it.
14. They’re rude and confrontational.

Some people seem to thrive on conflict and drama. They’re always spoiling for a fight, and they’ll pick arguments with anyone who crosses their path. They’re rude, aggressive, and confrontational, and they don’t care who they hurt in the process. Classy people, on the other hand, know how to handle disagreements with grace and diplomacy. They don’t resort to personal attacks or low blows, and they always try to find a peaceful resolution.
15. They’re flirtatious with other people’s partners.

Flirting with someone else’s significant other is a major no-no in the class department. It shows a total lack of respect for the relationship and a willingness to throw anyone under the bus for a bit of attention. If someone is always trying to chat up your partner or making inappropriate comments, that’s a red flag that they have no class. Classy people respect the boundaries of other people’s relationships and keep their flirtations appropriate and consensual.
16. They’re cheap and stingy.

There’s a difference between being frugal and being downright cheap. People with no class are the ones who always conveniently “forget” their wallet when it’s time to pay the bill, or who nickel-and-dime their friends over every little expense. They’re stingy with their money and their generosity, and they’re always looking for ways to get something for nothing. Classy people, on the other hand, are generous and fair. They don’t mind treating people or chipping in their share, and they don’t keep score.
17. They’re fake and insincere.

Finally, people with no class are often the ones who are the most fake and insincere. They’ll say one thing to your face and another behind your back. They’ll pretend to be your friend when it’s convenient, but they’ll throw you under the bus the second it serves their interests. They’re manipulative and untrustworthy, and you never know where you stand with them. Classy people, on the other hand, are genuine and authentic. They say what they mean and mean what they say, and you can always count on them to be straight with you.