Someone Who Is All Talk, No Action Will Often Make These 16 Empty Promises

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Chances are, you know someone who loves to talk a big game, but rarely follows through.

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They’re full of grand ideas, enthusiastic commitments, and lofty declarations, but when it comes time to deliver, they disappear faster than free snacks in the break room. Their empty promises can leave you feeling disappointed, frustrated, or just plain confused, but they still make them anyway, blissfully unaware (or not caring) about the impact of their failure to deliver on their word.

1. “I’ll call you later — I promise!”


They say it with so much enthusiasm that you almost believe them. But the phone stays silent, and the hours turn into days. You might even wonder if they lost your number, but deep down, you know it’s just another empty promise.

2. “Let’s definitely get together soon!”

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They say this every time you part ways, but “soon” is a mythical time that never comes. Plans are never made, dates are never set, and you’re left wondering if they actually want to hang out — or just enjoy the idea of it.

3. “I’ll help you with that — no worries!”


They volunteer their help so confidently that you feel relieved. But when you need them most, they’re suddenly too busy or have forgotten entirely. Their willingness sounds great, but it rarely transforms into action.

4. “I’m going to start that project next week.”

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Next week turns into next month, and next month becomes next year. Whether it’s a new business idea, a workout plan, or a DIY project, they’re always about to start. Somehow, the starting line keeps moving further away.

5. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I get paid.”

Diego Cervo

The payday comes and goes, but your wallet stays empty. They might even mention it again, insisting they haven’t forgotten, but the repayment never happens, and you learn to stop holding your breath.

6. “I’ll definitely be there.”

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They commit to events with all the enthusiasm of someone who’s already picked out an outfit. Of course, come the day of the event, they’re a no-show. Maybe they “forgot,” maybe something “came up,” or maybe they just never planned to come in the first place.

7. “I’m going to change — you’ll see!”

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They declare they’re ready to change their habits, behaviours, or lifestyle. And while they may believe it in the moment, nothing actually shifts. Their actions stay the same, and you’re left wondering if they meant it at all.

8. “I’ll have it done by tomorrow.”

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Whether it’s a work task or a favour, they swear they’ll finish it by tomorrow. Then, when tomorrow arrives, the deadline slips further away. They might offer a new timeline, but you’ve learned to expect delays — or nothing at all.

9. “I’m totally going to quit [bad habit] soon.”

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They promise to quit smoking, drinking, overspending, or whatever habit they’ve been talking about for ages. “Soon” seems promising, but soon never comes. The habit stays, and so does the endless promise to quit.

10. “Next time, I’ll definitely listen.”

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They acknowledge their mistake and promise to be more attentive, considerate, or patient. Spoiler alert: the next time rolls around, and it’s déjà vu. The behaviour repeats, and their promise to listen remains just that — a promise.

11. “I’ll explain everything later.”

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They leave you hanging with a vague assurance that explanations will come, but “later” is a deadline that never arrives. The story, the excuse, or the reason remains a mystery, and eventually, you stop waiting for the big reveal.

12. “I’ll get started first thing in the morning.”

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Whether it’s a workout, a work project, or a new habit, they’re always planning to hit the ground running… tomorrow morning. Naturally, when morning arrives, they’re conveniently too tired or too busy. That “first thing” motivation fades like mist in the sun.

13. “I’ll never do that again.”

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

They apologise and insist they’ve learned their lesson, but soon enough, they’re repeating the same behaviour. Their sincerity sounds convincing, but their actions tell a different story. “Never” turns out to be a lot shorter than you’d hoped.

14. “I’ll let you know.”

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They leave decisions hanging with a non-committal “I’ll let you know.” Unsurprisingly, the update never comes, and the decision stays in limbo. You’re left wondering if they’re genuinely undecided or just avoiding giving a straight answer.

15. “This time will be different.”

self-conscious young guy in woodsSource: Unsplash

They assure you that things are going to change, and this time, they really mean it. Of course, when everything plays out the same way it always does, you realise the only thing different is their phrasing. Hope fades, and reality sets in.

16. “I’ve got big plans — just wait!”

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They love to talk about their big ideas, their goals, and the exciting future ahead. But the “big plans” never seem to leave the planning stage. You keep waiting, but action never follows, and their ideas remain castles in the sky.