Some people always seem to flip-flop on their values depending on who they’re talking to.
Other people break promises all the time, refuse to take responsibility for their actions, and show a complete lack of consideration for other people. These are classic signs of someone lacking integrity, which is a fundamental quality that builds trust and respect. Spotting these red flags early on can save you from unnecessary drama and disappointment. To make that a little easier, here are some phrases that people with no integrity are likely to use.
1. “I didn’t say that.”

This is the go-to response of someone who doesn’t want to take responsibility for their words. They may have said something hurtful or inappropriate, but when confronted, they deny it outright. This gaslighting tactic can leave you doubting your own memory and sanity, making it hard to trust their words or intentions.
2. “It’s not my fault.”

Blame-shifting is another hallmark of someone with low integrity. They refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes or flaws and instead point fingers at everyone else. This defensive behaviour prevents them from learning from their experiences and growing as people.
3. “I was just joking.”

If someone’s “jokes” regularly go over like lead balloons, they’re clearly not that funny. This phrase is often used to excuse hurtful or offensive comments. They try to disguise their true intentions under the guise of humour, but the impact of their words can still be damaging (not to mention infuriating). This dismissive attitude shows a lack of empathy and respect for other people’s feelings.
4. “I’ll do it later.” (But they never do.)

Empty promises are a common trait of people who lack integrity. They may readily agree to help you or commit to a task, but their words rarely translate into action. This unreliability can be frustrating and disappointing, leaving you to pick up the pieces or scramble to find alternative solutions.
5. “I didn’t know.”

This excuse is often used to avoid accountability. They’re claiming ignorance to escape responsibility for their behaviour or decisions. This lack of self-awareness and willingness to take ownership of their choices can make it really hard to trust their judgment or rely on them in the future.
6. “Everyone else is doing it.”

People with low integrity often justify their questionable behaviour by pointing to what everyone else is doing. Also, they tend to try to normalise their dishonesty or lack of morals by suggesting that it’s common or acceptable. This “everyone else is doing it” mentality reveals a lack of independent thinking and a willingness to compromise their values for the sake of fitting in.
7. “You’re overreacting.”

This dismissive phrase is often used to invalidate your feelings or concerns. They may try to minimise the impact of their actions by suggesting that you’re being too sensitive or dramatic. This invalidation can be hurtful and destroy trust in the relationship.
8. “You’re just too sensitive.”

This phrase is a variation of the previous one, but it takes the invalidation a step further by blaming you for your own emotional response. They imply that your sensitivity is the problem, not their behaviour. This deflection of responsibility shows a lack of empathy and understanding.
9. “Trust me.”

Ironically, people who lack integrity often overuse this phrase. They may demand your trust despite a history of broken promises and questionable actions. This contradiction between their words and behaviour can destroy your confidence in their sincerity and reliability.
10. “I’m the victim here.”

Playing the victim is a common tactic used by people who lack integrity to deflect blame and manipulate situations. They may twist narratives to portray themselves as the wronged party, even when their actions have caused harm. All of their self-victimisation makes it nearly impossible to hold them accountable for their behaviour (and that’s just how they like it).
11. “I’m entitled to this.”

A sense of entitlement is often present in individuals with low integrity. They may believe that they deserve special treatment or that rules don’t apply to them. This attitude can lead to selfish behaviour and a lack of care for what anyone else wants or needs.
12. “I’m always right.”

People who lack integrity often have a rigid mindset and refuse to consider alternative perspectives. They may cling to their own beliefs and opinions, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. Such brazen stubbornness makes it hard to have constructive conversations or resolve conflicts effectively.
13. “It’s none of your business.”

This dismissive phrase is often used to shut down inquiries or avoid accountability. They may try to create a veil of secrecy around their actions, even when those actions have consequences for the people around them. This lack of transparency can create a feeling of mistrust and suspicion.
14. “I never said that.”

This phrase, similar to “I didn’t say that,” is a denial tactic used to avoid taking responsibility for past statements or commitments. They may conveniently forget their own words or actions when it suits their interests, leaving you feeling confused and unsure of where you stand.
15. “I’m sorry, but…”

Insincere apologies are a common tactic of those lacking integrity. They may offer a perfunctory apology followed by excuses or justifications, demonstrating a lack of genuine remorse or willingness to change. This type of apology can feel hollow and meaningless, leaving you feeling unheard and unvalued.