Jealousy and insecurity are natural parts of every relationship, no matter how long you’ve been together.

While these emotions can be destructive if not confronted and kept heavily in check, they’re not wrong by nature — they’re just human. If your husband is feeling threatened by another man in your life, whether it’s a colleague, a friend, or even a total stranger, he might not come out and admit it, but you’ll be able to tell because his behaviour will change. Try to reassure him that you’ve only got eyes for him — and make it clear that he needs to sort his feelings out and not take them out on you.
1. He acts distant when the other man is around.

If your husband seems to pull away or become unusually quiet when another man is around, it could be a sign of insecurity. He might feel threatened by the attention you’re giving to someone else, even if it’s completely platonic. The distance is his way of coping with those feelings of jealousy.
2. He overemphasises his own achievements.

To counterbalance his feelings of insecurity, your husband might start bragging about his own accomplishments, often in an exaggerated way. It’s as if he feels the need to “prove” himself to both you and the other man, trying to assert his dominance in the relationship.
3. He frequently brings up the other man’s flaws.

Instead of celebrating the strengths of the other man, your husband might focus on his perceived flaws. Whether it’s pointing out small mistakes or exaggerating negative traits, it’s his way of lowering the other man in comparison to himself, attempting to build himself up.
4. He becomes possessive or overly protective.

Subtle possessiveness might crop up when your husband feels threatened. He may become overly protective, questioning your time with this other man or needing constant reassurance that you’re not developing feelings for him. It can often feel like he’s trying to keep tabs on you more than usual.
5. He avoids discussing the other man altogether.

When your husband is feeling insecure, he might try to avoid conversations about the other man. He may change the subject or even become irritated when the topic comes up, as he feels uncomfortable acknowledging someone he sees as a threat to his relationship with you.
6. He becomes overly affectionate in public.

Trying to stake his claim, your husband may start acting extra affectionate in public, as if to show other people (and especially the other man) that you’re already taken. While affection in relationships is great, when it feels like it’s being forced, it’s a clear sign of insecurity.
7. He uses humour to mask his feelings.

Humour can be a way for your husband to deflect from his insecurities. If he frequently makes sarcastic or joking comments about the other man, it may be his way of hiding his discomfort. Laughter is a cover for deeper feelings of jealousy and fear.
8. He subtly undermines the other man.

Rather than directly confronting his insecurities, your husband might try to subtly undermine the other man by making little digs or sarcastic remarks. These comments are usually meant to cast doubt on the other man’s intentions or abilities, portraying him as someone unworthy of your attention.
9. He questions your relationship with the other man.

If your husband asks more than usual about your relationship with the other man or tries to dig for details about your interactions, it may indicate he’s feeling threatened. His questions may seem harmless, but they often come from a place of insecurity and fear of losing you.
10. He becomes competitive in casual situations.

Your husband might find himself getting unreasonably competitive when the other man is around, even in casual settings. Whether it’s about sports, hobbies, or even the attention you’re giving each other, he may feel the need to prove he’s better or more deserving of your affection.
11. He avoids social events where the other man will be present.

Rather than face his insecurity head-on, your husband may start avoiding social events where the other man will be involved. Whether it’s a dinner party or a group outing, he might suddenly develop “other plans” just to avoid the discomfort of being around him.
12. He gets jealous of your shared interests.

If you and the other man share a common interest, whether it’s a hobby, profession, or passion, your husband might start to feel territorial over it. He could suddenly express a desire to get involved, too, or downplay your connection to the other man, feeling threatened by the bond you share.
13. He gets defensive when the other man is praised.

Any praise directed towards the other man may send your husband into a defensive mode. Even if the compliments are harmless, your husband might respond with passive-aggressive comments or even dismiss the praise. His defensiveness is a clear sign that he feels threatened by the attention the other man is receiving.
14. He projects his own insecurities onto you.

If your husband is feeling insecure, he may start to project those feelings onto you. He might accuse you of being too friendly with the other man or imply that you’re not as committed as he thought. That projection is his way of coping with his own jealousy by redirecting it onto you.