You might look like Beyonce and have her money too, but that’s not going to get you that far in life if your personality isn’t up to scratch. If you’re guilty of any of the following things on this list, sadly, you’re probably turning people off without even realizing it. After all, charisma and attractiveness are more about how you carry yourself than your physical appearance.
1. You have the conversational skills of a houseplant.

One-word answers, zero follow-up questions…it’s like pulling teeth! A date isn’t an interrogation, but some basic back-and-forth makes things way more fun. Talk about your passions, ask about theirs, tell a funny story– just try to be, ya know, engaging. Remember, conversation is a two-way street – make the effort to keep things interesting and dynamic!
2. You’re a chronic complainer about EVERYTHING.

The food is cold, the traffic is awful, your boss is an idiot… Some venting is healthy, but non-stop negativity is a major vibe killer. Try focusing on the positive, even the little things – it makes a world of difference in your attitude and how others perceive you. A positive outlook is contagious, while constant negativity can leave people feeling drained and deflated.
3. You treat service workers like they’re beneath you.

Being rude to servers, cashiers, anyone just doing their job? Instant red flag. It says a LOT about a person’s character. Kindness is always attractive, no matter how stressed or fancy you are. Everyone deserves respect, regardless of their profession – treating others with decency is non-negotiable.
4. You think your opinions are the ONLY ones that matter.

Everyone’s entitled to an opinion, but there’s a difference between sharing yours and shutting down anyone who disagrees. Being closed-minded makes you seem arrogant and difficult to be around. A little open-mindedness goes a long way! Respecting others’ viewpoints and being open to having your perspective challenged shows maturity and a willingness to learn and grow.
5. Your idea of a good time is scrolling through social media on your phone.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes a mindless meme-scroll is exactly what’s needed. But if your face is constantly glued to your screen, especially during dates or hangouts, it signals that you’re not really interested in the people around you. Being present in the moment shows you’re actually invested in spending time with others. Put the phone down and engage fully in the conversations and experiences around you.
6. You’re always trying to one-up everyone.

They got a promotion? You got a raise AND a new car. They had a good workout? You ran a marathon… uphill. It’s okay to be proud of yourself, but constantly trying to outshine others comes across as competitive and insecure. Celebrate others’ successes instead of trying to overshadow them – it shows confidence and genuine kindness.
7. You never admit when you’re wrong, even about small stuff.

Stubbornness to a fault just makes you seem difficult. Saying “oops, my bad,” or “actually, you’re right” doesn’t make you weak–it shows maturity and a willingness to learn and grow. Being able to take responsibility for mistakes and learn from them builds trust and respect in relationships.
8. You have zero sense of humor about yourself.

We all have embarrassing moments and silly quirks. Those who can laugh at themselves are infinitely more likable than those who take everything way too seriously. Lighten up a little! Being able to poke fun at yourself shows humility and a good sense of humor, which makes you more relatable and approachable.
9. You leave your dates picking up the tab every single time.

Chivalry isn’t dead, and generosity is always nice. But always expecting the other person to pay is a bad look, regardless of gender or dating norms. Offer to split it, or take turns treating – it shows consideration. Financial equality is important, and being willing to contribute shows you’re not just in it for a free meal.
10. You talk about your ex… a lot.

Some venting is okay, especially if it was a bad breakup. But if your ex is the main character in every story, it’s a sign you haven’t moved on. Bringing that baggage onto new dates is a major turn-off. Focus on the present and the potential for a new connection, not dwelling on past relationships.
11. You’re addicted to drama.

Thriving on gossip, exaggerating minor conflicts, always being in the middle of something… it’s exhausting! Most people want chill vibes, not a reality TV show following them around. Aim for a life filled with positivity and genuine connections, leave the unnecessary drama behind.
12. You have the emotional depth of a teaspoon.

Surface-level conversations are fine for strangers at the bus stop. But if you never want to talk about feelings, hopes, fears, or anything deeper than the weather… It’s tough to build a real connection. Vulnerability can be scary, but it’s the key to deeper, more fulfilling relationships.
13. You’re always, ALWAYS late (with zero apologies).

A little lateness happens to the best of us. But constantly running behind without acknowledging it shows a major lack of respect for other people’s time. Punctuality matters, or at least a sincere “sorry!” Valuing others’ time demonstrates consideration and makes you a much more reliable friend and partner.