The Brutally Honest Truth About Why People Suck

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People can be a real pain sometimes (and that’s putting it lightly).

It’s not just you; it’s a universal truth that we all have to deal with. We’re all complex creatures with flaws, insecurities, and bad habits. But sometimes, it feels like the bad outweighs the good. Here’s the honest truth about why people can be so frustrating, annoying, and downright difficult.

1. People are selfish.

Andrii Rakov

Let’s be real, most people are primarily concerned with their own needs and desires. They’ll often prioritise themselves over everyone else, even if it means stepping on toes or causing harm. This selfishness can manifest in countless ways, from cutting in line to hogging resources to manipulating people for their own gain. It’s a sad reality, but one that we have to acknowledge if we want to understand human behaviour.

2. People are judgmental.

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We’re quick to judge people based on their appearance, their choices, their beliefs, or their social status. We form opinions about people within seconds of meeting them, often without giving them a fair chance. This judgmental nature can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and a lack of empathy. It can also create barriers to building meaningful relationships and understanding people on a deeper level.

3. People are hypocritical.

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We often preach one thing and practice another. We condemn certain behaviours in other people while engaging in those same behaviours ourselves. We might criticise someone for being selfish, but then turn around and act selfishly in the next moment. This hypocrisy can be infuriating and destroy trust in our relationships. It’s a reminder that we’re all flawed and that we should be careful not to judge people too harshly.

4. People are insecure.

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Many people are plagued by insecurities about their appearance, their abilities, or their social standing. This insecurity can manifest in a variety of ways, from seeking constant validation to tearing people down to boost their own ego. It can also lead to self-sabotaging behaviours, like avoiding challenges or opportunities for growth. Recognising this insecurity in ourselves and other people can help us cultivate compassion and understanding.

5. People are irrational.

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We’re not always driven by logic or reason. Our emotions, biases, and past experiences can cloud our judgment and lead us to make irrational decisions. We might hold grudges long after they’ve served their purpose, or we might lash out in anger without considering the consequences. Understanding our own irrational tendencies can help us make better choices and navigate difficult situations more effectively.

6. People are lazy.

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We often take the path of least resistance, even if it means sacrificing quality or integrity. We might cut corners, procrastinate, or avoid challenges altogether. This laziness can lead to missed opportunities, unfulfilled potential, and a general sense of stagnation. It’s important to recognise our own tendencies towards laziness and strive to overcome them if we want to achieve our goals and live a meaningful life.

7. People are dishonest.

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We lie, we cheat, we steal. We might do it for personal gain, to avoid conflict, or simply out of habit. This dishonesty stomps out trust and damages relationships. It can also have far-reaching consequences, both for ourselves and for other people. It’s important to be honest with ourselves about our own tendencies towards dishonesty and strive to cultivate integrity in our interactions.

8. People are inconsiderate.

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We often forget to consider the impact of our actions on other people. We might be loud and obnoxious in public places, leave our rubbish behind, or simply ignore the needs and feelings of those around us. This inconsiderate behaviour can create conflict, damage relationships, and make the world a less pleasant place to live in. A little bit of consideration can go a long way in improving our relationships.

9. People are resistant to change.

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We get comfortable in our routines and habits, even if they’re not serving us well. We resist change, even if it’s for the better. This resistance to change can hold us back from personal growth and development. It can also create conflict in our relationships, as we struggle to adapt to new circumstances or the evolving needs of our partners.

10. People are ungrateful.

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We often take the good things in our lives for granted. We focus on what we lack instead of appreciating what we have. This ingratitude can lead to resentment, bitterness, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. It can also make it difficult to form and maintain healthy relationships, as we fail to appreciate people’s kindness and generosity.

11. People are quick to anger.

Yuri Arcurs

We lose our temper, lash out, and say hurtful things. We let our emotions get the better of us, often without considering the consequences. This anger can damage relationships, create conflict, and leave lasting scars. Learning to manage our anger in a healthy way is essential for our own well-being and for the well-being of those around us.

12. People are stubborn.

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We dig our heels in and refuse to budge, even when we’re clearly wrong. We cling to our beliefs and opinions, even when presented with evidence to the contrary. This stubbornness can prevent us from learning and growing. It can also create conflict and division in our relationships, as we refuse to compromise or see things from another perspective.

13. People are afraid of vulnerability.

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We build walls around our hearts to protect ourselves from getting hurt. We avoid intimacy and emotional connection, fearing that it will only lead to pain. This fear of vulnerability can prevent us from forming deep, meaningful relationships. It can also lead to loneliness, isolation, and a sense of emptiness.

14. People are self-centred.

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We often make decisions based on what’s best for us, without considering the impact on other people. We might gossip, spread rumours, or engage in other harmful behaviours without thinking about how it might affect those around us. This self-centredness can lead to conflict, broken trust, and a general lack of empathy.

15. People are afraid of failure.

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We avoid taking risks or stepping outside of our comfort zones because we’re afraid of failing. We settle for mediocrity instead of striving for greatness. This fear of failure can hold us back from achieving our full potential and living a life of purpose and meaning. It’s important to embrace failure as a learning opportunity and to have the courage to pursue our dreams, even if it means risking falling short.

16. People are easily influenced.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

We’re susceptible to peer pressure, social norms, and other people’s opinions. We might conform to the expectations of our friends, family, or society, even if it goes against our own values and beliefs. This lack of autonomy can lead to regret, resentment, and a feeling of being trapped in a life that’s not truly our own.

17. People are complex and contradictory.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

We’re capable of both great kindness and immense cruelty. We can be loving and supportive one moment, and then hurtful and destructive the next. We’re a bundle of contradictions, constantly wrestling with our own inner demons. This complexity makes us both fascinating and frustrating. It’s a reminder that we’re all works in progress, constantly evolving and changing.