People who seem to have it all together in life have a big secret.

It’s not so much what they do, but rather what they don’t do that gives them a leg up in life. They know better than to waste their time on these 14 things — and if you want to be more like them, so should you.
1. They don’t dwell on past regrets or mistakes.

We all have a past, and it’s bound to include a few blunders or missed opportunities. But dwelling on those past regrets is a waste of time and energy. Impressive people acknowledge their mistakes, learn from them, and then move on. They focus on the present and future, not on what could have been.
2. They don’t gossip or get into negative conversations.

Gossiping and negativity are toxic and unproductive. Impressive people steer clear of these draining conversations and focus on uplifting and empowering interactions. They understand that their words have power, and they choose to use them to encourage people, not make them feel rubbish.
3. They don’t compare themselves to anyone else.

Comparison is the thief of joy, as they say. Impressive people focus on their own journey and celebrate their unique strengths and accomplishments. They don’t waste time comparing themselves to other people or feeling inadequate because they’re not measuring up to some arbitrary standard. They know that true success comes from within.
4. They don’t procrastinate or put things off until the last minute.

Procrastination is a productivity killer. Impressive people tackle tasks head-on, break down large projects into manageable chunks, and avoid the stress and anxiety that come with leaving everything to the last minute. They understand that taking action, even small steps, is better than doing nothing at all.
5. They don’t let fear hold them back from pursuing their dreams and goals.

Fear can be paralysing, but impressive people don’t let it dictate their lives. They acknowledge their fears, but they don’t let them stop them from taking risks and pursuing their passions. They understand that stepping outside their comfort zone is often where the greatest growth and opportunities lie.
6. They don’t waste time on activities that don’t bring them joy or fulfilment.

Life is too short to spend it doing things you don’t enjoy. Impressive people prioritise activities that bring them joy, spark their creativity, and align with their values. They’re not afraid to say no to commitments or social obligations that drain their energy or don’t serve their purpose.
7. They don’t surround themselves with negative or toxic people.

The company you keep can have a profound impact on your mindset and mental health. Impressive people choose their relationships wisely, surrounding themselves with positive and supportive individuals who uplift and inspire them. They avoid toxic relationships that drain their energy or bring them down.
8. They don’t try to please everyone or depend on anyone for validation.

It’s impossible to please everyone, and trying to do so can lead to exhaustion and a loss of authenticity. Impressive people focus on being true to themselves and their values, even if it means not everyone will approve. They seek validation from within, not from external sources.
9. They don’t hold grudges or cling to bitterness.

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for personal growth and emotional health. Impressive people understand that holding grudges and resentment only harms themselves. They choose to forgive, not because the other person deserves it, but because they deserve peace and freedom from negativity. They focus on moving forward and building positive relationships.
10. They don’t waste time on mindless entertainment or distractions.

While it’s important to relax and unwind, impressive people are mindful of how they spend their leisure time. They avoid getting sucked into hours of mindless television or social media scrolling. Instead, they choose activities that nourish their minds, bodies, and souls, such as reading, exercising, spending time in nature, or pursuing creative hobbies.
11. They don’t engage in self-destructive behaviours or habits.

They prioritise their physical and mental health, avoiding habits that harm either. They understand that taking care of themselves is essential for achieving their goals and living a fulfilling life. They make conscious choices to nourish their bodies, manage stress, and cultivate healthy habits.
12. They don’t let setbacks or failures define them.

Everyone experiences setbacks and failures along the way. Impressive people see these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, not as a reflection of their worth or abilities. They dust themselves off, analyse what went wrong, and use those lessons to move forward with even greater determination.
13. They don’t wait for the “perfect” moment to take action.

They understand that there will never be a perfect time to start a new project, pursue a dream, or make a change. They embrace imperfection and take action, even if they don’t have all the answers or feel fully prepared. They know that progress is more important than perfection.
14. They don’t let negativity or criticism derail them from their path.

They understand that not everyone will support their dreams or believe in their abilities. They don’t let negativity or criticism discourage them or deter them from their goals. They stay focused on their vision and surround themselves with people who uplift and encourage them.