Ever met someone who just lights up a room with their presence? Not necessarily the loudest or most extroverted, but someone whose words and actions leave you feeling seen, heard, and appreciated? Chances are, you’ve encountered a naturally charming person. Here are some of the things they say that draw people in.
1. “Tell me more about that.”

Charming people are genuinely curious about other people. They ask open-ended questions that invite deeper conversation and show a genuine interest in getting to know the person they’re talking to. They listen actively, making eye contact and nodding along, making the other person feel valued and understood.
2. “How can I help?”

They’re always willing to lend a helping hand, whether it’s a small favour or a bigger task. They offer their assistance without expecting anything in return, motivated by a genuine desire to be of service. Their generosity and willingness to go the extra mile make them instantly likeable.
3. “I appreciate you.”

They’re not afraid to express their gratitude and appreciation. They recognise the value that other people bring to their lives and make a point of acknowledging it. Whether it’s a simple “thank you” or a more elaborate gesture, their expressions of appreciation leave a lasting impression.
4. “I’m so glad to see you.”

They greet people with warmth and enthusiasm, making them feel instantly welcomed and valued. Their smiles are genuine, their hugs are heartfelt, and their words convey a sincere joy in seeing the other person.
5. “I believe in you.”

They’re natural encouragers, always ready to offer a word of support or a vote of confidence. They see the potential in other people and believe in their ability to succeed. Their positive energy and belief in people can be incredibly motivating and inspiring.
6. “I’m sorry.”

They’re not afraid to apologise when they’ve made a mistake or hurt someone’s feelings. They take responsibility for their actions and make amends when necessary. Their humility and willingness to own up to their shortcomings make them relatable and trustworthy.
7. “That’s a great idea!”

They’re quick to acknowledge and celebrate other people’s ideas and accomplishments. They don’t feel threatened by other people’s success; instead, they’re genuinely happy for them. Their enthusiasm and support create a positive and collaborative atmosphere.
8. “I’m happy for you.”

They genuinely share in other people’s joy and happiness. They celebrate their successes, big or small, and offer their heartfelt congratulations. Their ability to be genuinely happy for other people makes them a joy to be around.
9. “How was your day?”

They genuinely care about how other people are doing and show a genuine interest in their lives. They ask thoughtful questions, listen attentively, and offer words of encouragement or support when needed. Their empathy and concern for other people make them easy to confide in and create a sense of trust.
10. “You’re looking well!”

They’re quick to notice and compliment people on their appearance, accomplishments, or positive qualities. Their compliments are sincere and specific, making the recipient feel seen and appreciated. They make people feel good about themselves, which is a key ingredient in charm.
11. “Let’s catch up soon.”

They make an effort to stay connected with people, even if it’s just a quick text or phone call. They value relationships and make time for the people who are important to them. Their thoughtfulness and willingness to stay in touch make them cherished friends and colleagues.
12. “I trust your judgment.”

They show respect for other people’s opinions and decisions, even if they don’t always agree with them. They recognise that everyone has their own perspective and trust that other people are capable of making good choices. That trust makes people feel empowered and valued.
13. “I’m here for you.”

They offer unwavering support to their friends and loved ones, through thick and thin. They listen without judgment, offer words of encouragement, and are always there to lend a helping hand. Their loyalty and dependability make them invaluable friends and partners.
14. “I’m still learning.”

They’re not afraid to admit their shortcomings and acknowledge that they don’t have all the answers. They’re open to new ideas, willing to learn, and constantly striving to improve themselves. Their humility and openness to growth make them approachable and relatable.
15. “Let’s celebrate!”

They find joy in celebrating the good things in life, both big and small. They mark special occasions, acknowledge milestones, and find reasons to celebrate even the most mundane moments. Their positive energy and zest for life are contagious, making them a pleasure to be around.