Not every toxic person is obvious.

Sometimes, the red flags are hidden in the tiniest behaviours that seem harmless at first but can reveal themselves as problematic over time. While everyone has good things about them, there’s no use denying that some people have downright terrible personalities, full of qualities they definitely weren’t born with — they adopted them and continue to practise them willingly. If you notice someone doing these things, needless to say, their personality needs some work.
1. Constantly interrupting conversations

People who habitually cut people off during conversations often show a lack of respect and empathy. It’s not just rude — it reveals an inflated sense of self-importance. Is what they have to say really that important that it couldn’t wait another 30 seconds? Of course not. Truly considerate people listen more than they talk so that other people can share their thoughts without feeling dismissed.
2. Giving backhanded compliments

“You’re so brave to wear that!” or “You’re smarter than you look!” may sound like compliments, but they’re laced with insults. These remarks point to passive-aggressive tendencies and a desire to undermine people while still seeming polite. A person with good intentions actually encourages people rather than tearing them down.
3. Brushing off apologies or accountability

A lack of willingness to apologise or own up to mistakes is a major red flag. Whether they pass the blame, minimise their behaviour, or give completely insincere apologies, it shows an unwillingness to grow or take responsibility. Accountability is a cornerstone of healthy relationships and good character.
4. Overreacting to minor inconveniences

When someone flies off the handle over small issues, like waiting in line or dealing with a slightly wrong order, it’s often a sign of entitlement and poor emotional regulation. A person with a terrible personality often feels the world owes them perfection, and anything less is unacceptable.
5. Always needing to “one-up” everyone

Have you ever shared an accomplishment or story, only for someone to immediately top it? The constant need to outshine everyone comes from insecurity and a lack of genuine interest in other people’s experiences. People with good personalities celebrate other people instead of competing with them.
6. Gossiping about people non-stop

Talking about people behind their backs, especially in a mean-spirited way, is a habit that reveals insecurity and a lack of integrity. If someone enjoys tearing people down in private, it’s a safe bet they lack respect and empathy for those around them.
7. Ignoring social boundaries

Whether it’s overstepping personal space, prying into private matters, or making inappropriate jokes, ignoring boundaries shows a lack of respect for people. It’s a habit that proves they prioritise their own desires over everyone else’s comfort, which is a common trait of toxic personalities.
8. Always playing the victim

They expect you to get out the world’s tiniest violin for them over the most minor of inconveniences. While everyone goes through tough times, constantly framing themselves as the victim — especially when they’re the ones who’ve hurt someone — shows a manipulative streak. They do it to deflect responsibility and gain sympathy, making it hard to hold them accountable.
9. Giving unsolicited advice

Offering advice without being asked can come across as condescending, especially when it’s framed as if they know better than everyone else. While some may mean well, habitual unsolicited advice often reveals arrogance and a lack of respect for other people’s autonomy.
10. Hating on other people’s successes

Downplaying or criticising someone else’s achievements — “They only got that job because of connections” or “That’s not even impressive” — reveals jealousy and bitterness. A terrible personality often struggles to celebrate other people’s wins without feeling threatened.
11. Having an “all or nothing” attitude

People with terrible personalities often lack nuance, seeing things in black-and-white terms. They’re quick to label people as “good” or “bad” and rarely consider context. Such a rigid way of thinking makes it hard to resolve conflicts or build meaningful connections.
12. Using humour to insult

Disguising insults as jokes — “Relax, I was just kidding!” — is a common tactic for people who lack empathy. They often hide behind humour to avoid accountability while still getting in their digs. Genuine humour should bring people together, not make them feel small.
13. Over-promising and under-delivering

Regularly making commitments they don’t keep, whether it’s about work or personal plans, signals a lack of respect for other people’s time. While life happens, a pattern of flaking or breaking promises shows irresponsibility and unreliability—traits that can destroy trust quickly.
14. Constantly needing to be the centre of attention

Dominating conversations, interrupting people, or steering every topic back to themselves reveals an excessive need for validation. It leaves everyone around them feeling overlooked or unimportant. A well-rounded personality knows how to share the spotlight and value what everyone else brings to the table.
15. Acting differently depending on who’s watching

Being overly nice in public but cruel or dismissive in private reveals a lack of authenticity. Their two-faced behaviour is a hallmark of someone who cares more about appearances than genuine relationships. A truly kind person acts with consistency, regardless of the audience.