Every zodiac sign has its quirks, and sometimes these can manifest as less-than-desirable traits.

While it’s important to remember that astrology isn’t definitive (or really in any way reliable), here’s a tongue-in-cheek look at some of the worst traits a man might exhibit based on his star sign. You might even discover that these qualities really do reflect the men in your life!
1. Aries men can be impulsive and short-tempered.

An Aries man might act first and think later, leading to rash decisions. His fiery temper can flare up at the drop of a hat, making arguments a frequent occurrence. This impulsiveness extends to his opinions too — he might voice thoughts without considering their impact.
2. Taurus men can be stubborn and possessive.

Once a Taurus man has made up his mind, good luck changing it. His stubbornness can make compromises a real challenge. He might also have a tendency to be overly possessive, both with material things and relationships. This possessiveness can sometimes border on jealousy.
3. Gemini men can be inconsistent and gossip-prone.

A Gemini man might change his mind more often than he changes his socks. This inconsistency can make him seem unreliable. He’s also got a bit of a reputation as a gossip, unable to keep a secret. His love for chatter might mean he speaks without thinking at times.
4. Cancer men can be moody and overly sensitive.

A Cancer man might be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. His moods can swing wildly, leaving other people wondering what version of him they’ll encounter. He’s also incredibly sensitive, which means he might take offence at the slightest perceived slight. His sensitivity can lead to sulking sessions.
5. Leo men can be arrogant and attention-seeking.

A Leo man loves being the centre of attention, sometimes to a fault. His confidence can cross the line into arrogance, making him seem full of himself. He might have a tendency to dominate conversations, steering them back to his favourite subject — himself. The constant need for the spotlight can be exhausting for everyone around him.
6. Virgo men can be overly critical and perfectionistic.

A Virgo man might have impossibly high standards — for himself and other people. His critical nature means he’s quick to point out flaws, which can be wearing on relationships. His perfectionism can lead to overthinking and anxiety, as he frets over every little detail. This can make him seem nitpicky and hard to please.
7. Libra men can be indecisive and conflict-avoidant.

A Libra man might struggle to make even the simplest decisions, weighing pros and cons endlessly. His indecisiveness can be frustrating for those around him. He also tends to avoid conflict at all costs, which can lead to issues being swept under the rug rather than addressed. His desire for harmony might mean he’s not always honest about his feelings.
8. Scorpio men can be jealous and secretive.

A Scorpio man’s jealous streak can be a real problem in relationships. He might be prone to suspicion and possessiveness. His secretive nature doesn’t help matters — he keeps his cards close to his chest, which can breed mistrust. The combination of jealousy and secrecy can create a tense atmosphere in his relationships.
9. Sagittarius men can be tactless and commitment-phobic.

A Sagittarius man might have a habit of putting his foot in his mouth. His blunt honesty can come across as tactless or even hurtful. He’s also got a reputation for being afraid of commitment, always looking for the next adventure rather than settling down. His wanderlust can make long-term relationships challenging.
10. Capricorn men can be pessimistic and emotionally distant.

A Capricorn man might have a tendency to see the glass as half empty. His pessimism can be a real downer in social situations. He’s also not the most emotionally expressive sign, which can make him seem cold or distant. Sadly, his emotional guardedness can make it hard for other people to connect with him on a deeper level.
11. Aquarius men can be aloof and unpredictable.

An Aquarius man might come across as detached or aloof, even in close relationships. His unpredictable nature can make other people feel off-balance, never quite sure where they stand with him. He might also have a tendency to prioritise his ideals over personal relationships, which can leave loved ones feeling neglected.
12. Pisces men can be overly escapist and unrealistic.

A Pisces man might have a tendency to retreat into fantasy when reality gets tough. This escapism can manifest as avoidance of responsibilities or problems. He might also have unrealistic expectations about relationships and life in general, leading to disappointment. His dreamy nature, while charming, can sometimes make him seem out of touch with reality.