Ever noticed how certain phrases, even seemingly harmless ones, can leave a bit of a bad taste in your mouth?
Like a backhanded compliment, they might sound okay on the surface, but there’s an underlying negativity that can be quite revealing about someone’s attitude. These common sayings, often uttered without much thought, point to a pretty nasty personality.
1. “I’m not one to gossip, but…”

This phrase is often used as a preface to juicy gossip, revealing a hypocritical nature. People who use this disclaimer often enjoy spreading rumours or negative stories about other people. It’s a way of trying to appear above the fray while still indulging in the thrill of gossip.
2. “Don’t be offended, but…”

This phrase is usually followed by an offensive or insensitive comment, disguised as a disclaimer to avoid responsibility. It’s a way of trying to have your cake and eat it too – expressing a potentially hurtful opinion while claiming innocence. It’s a classic example of passive-aggressiveness.
3. “With all due respect…”

This phrase often precedes a disrespectful remark, making it a contradictory and insincere statement. It’s a way of pretending to be polite while actually expressing disagreement or criticism in a condescending way. It can be seen as a veiled insult rather than a genuine show of respect.
4. “I’m just saying…”

This phrase is often used to express an unsolicited or potentially controversial opinion. It’s a way of trying to distance oneself from the impact of their words, as if they’re merely stating an observation rather than making a judgment. It can be a passive-aggressive way to insert oneself into a conversation or situation.
5. “It’s for your own good.”

This phrase is often used to justify unsolicited advice or criticism, even when it’s unwanted or unhelpful. It implies that the speaker knows better than the recipient and is acting in their best interest, even if it doesn’t feel that way. It can be a condescending and patronizing way to express concern.
6. “No offence, but…”

Similar to “Don’t be offended, but…”, an offensive comment usually follows this phrase. It’s a disingenuous way of trying to avoid responsibility for the potential hurt caused by their words. It’s important to remember that if you have to preface a statement with “no offence,” it’s likely that what follows will be offensive.
7. “You’re so dramatic.”

This phrase is a way to invalidate someone’s emotions and reactions. It suggests that their feelings are exaggerated or unwarranted, dismissing their concerns as overblown. It can be a hurtful and dismissive remark, especially when someone is genuinely upset or distressed.
8. “You’re taking this too seriously.”

Similar to “You’re so dramatic,” this phrase minimizes someone’s feelings and reactions. It suggests that they should lighten up and not take things so personally. It can be a dismissive and insensitive remark, especially when someone is genuinely upset or concerned.
9. “I was just joking.”

This phrase is often used as a defence mechanism when a joke falls flat or offends someone. While humour is subjective, it’s important to be mindful of other people’s sensitivities. Using this phrase repeatedly can reveal a lack of awareness or a disregard for the impact of one’s words.
10. “Why can’t you just…”

This phrase is often followed by an unrealistic or unreasonable expectation. It implies that the other person is incapable or unwilling to meet a certain standard, even if it’s not feasible or fair. It can be a frustrating and demoralizing remark, especially when someone is already trying their best.
11. “Well, at least I’m not…”

This deflecting comparison is a way to dodge responsibility for one’s own shortcomings. It shifts focus onto other people’s flaws as if they somehow justify one’s own behaviour. This attitude shows a lack of accountability and a tendency to play the victim.
12. “You’re lucky I…”

This phrase often precedes a backhanded compliment or a grudging favour. It implies that the person is doing something out of the goodness of their heart, even though they’re actually obligated or expected to do it. It can be a manipulative way to make people feel indebted.
13. “I’m not judging, but…”

This classic disclaimer is almost always followed by a judgmental remark. It’s a way of trying to sound open-minded while still expressing disapproval. It’s a bit like saying, “I’m not a racist, but…” and then proceeding to say something racist.
14. “Whatever makes you happy.”

This seemingly supportive phrase can actually be quite dismissive, especially when said with a sarcastic tone. It implies that the person doesn’t really care about the other person’s happiness or well-being. It’s a way of washing their hands of the situation and avoiding any emotional investment.
15. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”

This condescending remark is often used to shut down someone’s opinions or feelings. It implies that they’re not mature enough to understand the complexities of life. It’s a way of dismissing their perspective and asserting authority based on age or experience.
16. “Don’t take it personally.”

This phrase is often used after saying or doing something hurtful, as if it somehow absolves them of responsibility. It invalidates the other person’s feelings and makes them feel like they’re overreacting. If someone says this, it’s likely they should be taking it personally.
17. “I’m just blunt.”

This phrase is often used as an excuse for rudeness and insensitivity. While being direct can be a good thing, using it as a cover for hurtful remarks is not. People who hide behind this excuse often lack tact and consideration for other people.
18. “It’s not a big deal.”

This phrase can be dismissive and minimizing, especially when someone is clearly upset or concerned about something. It suggests that their feelings are trivial and not worth acknowledging. It’s important to validate someone’s emotions, even if you don’t personally think it’s a big deal.
19. “You brought it on yourself.”

This phrase blames the victim and absolves the perpetrator of responsibility. It’s a way of justifying harmful behaviour by suggesting that the person deserved it. This kind of attitude is toxic and can be incredibly damaging to the person on the receiving end.
20. “Calm down.”

This phrase is often used to silence someone who is expressing their emotions. It’s a way of trying to control their behaviour and make them feel like their feelings are invalid. It’s rarely helpful and can actually escalate the situation.
21. “You’re overthinking it.”

This phrase is another way to invalidate someone’s feelings and thoughts. It suggests that their concerns are irrational and not worth taking seriously. It’s a way of dismissing their perspective and making them feel like they’re being unreasonable.