Some people are far too good at whipping out the perfect cutting remark to cut someone down to size.

They’re outspoken, unashamed, and they certainly won’t hesitate to say aloud exactly what everyone else is thinking but wouldn’t have the nerve to come out with. Oddly enough, if you’re into horoscopes, zodiac signs can have a lot to do with a person’s tendency to be this way. Here are the signs ranked by how sharp their tongues are.
1. Aries doesn’t hold back when it comes to speaking their mind.

Aries are known for their fiery temperament, and that extends to their words too. They’re not ones to bite their tongue or sugar coat things. If they’ve got something to say, you can bet they’ll say it — and they’ll say it loud and clear. Their directness can be refreshing, but it can also sting if you’re not prepared for it. They’re not trying to be mean; they just believe in being honest. Sometimes a little too honest for comfort.
2. Gemini’s quick wit can cut deeper than they realise.

Geminis are the wordsmiths of the zodiac. They’ve got a way with words that can be both charming and cutting. Their minds work at lightning speed, which means they can come up with clever comebacks in the blink of an eye. The problem is, sometimes their mouth moves faster than their brain can catch up. They might say something sharp without fully considering the impact. It’s all in good fun for them, but other people might not always see it that way.
3. Leo’s roar can be louder and sharper than expected.

Leos love the spotlight, and they’re not afraid to use their voice to get it. They’ve got a flair for the dramatic that extends to their speech. When they’ve got something to say, they make sure everyone hears it. Their words can have a bite to them, especially if they feel challenged or overlooked. They’re not intentionally being hurtful, but their desire to be heard and respected can sometimes come across as harsh.
4. Scorpio’s words can sting like their namesake.

Scorpios have a reputation for being intense, and that intensity definitely shows up in their speech. They’ve got a knack for zeroing in on people’s vulnerabilities, and they’re not afraid to use that knowledge if they feel threatened. Their words can be like surgical strikes — precise and potentially devastating. They don’t lash out often, but when they do, it’s memorable. It’s not that they’re trying to be cruel; they just have a low tolerance for nonsense.
5. Sagittarius shoots verbal arrows with deadly accuracy.

Sagittarians are known for their honesty, and sometimes that honesty comes out a bit too bluntly. They’ve got a talent for hitting the nail on the head, even when it might be better to soften the blow a bit. Their directness can be refreshing, but it can also leave people feeling a bit bruised. Hurt feelings aren’t their intention; they just believe that the truth is always the best policy, no matter how uncomfortable it might be.
6. Capricorn’s dry humour can have a sharp edge.

Capricorns have a wit drier than a desert, and sometimes it can be just as harsh. They’ve got a talent for deadpan delivery that can leave people wondering if they’re joking or being serious. Their sarcasm game is strong, and sometimes their comments can have more of a bite than they intended. They can come off as mean, but it’s just their way of dealing with the world’s absurdities.
7. Aquarius’s unconventional thoughts can lead to sharp comments.

Aquarians pride themselves on thinking outside the box, but sometimes those thoughts can come out in ways that seem abrasive to other people. They’re great at seeing things from a unique perspective, which can lead to some pretty cutting observations. As harsh as they can sometimes seem, they just get excited about sharing their thoughts. Sometimes they forget that not everyone appreciates having their world-view challenged quite so bluntly.
8. Virgo’s perfectionism can result in pointed criticisms.

Virgos have an eye for detail and a strong desire for everything to be just right. This can lead to some pretty sharp critiques when things don’t meet their high standards. They genuinely believe they’re being helpful, even if other people see it as being mean. The problem is, not everyone appreciates having every little flaw pointed out. Virgos might think they’re offering constructive criticism, but others might see it as nitpicking or harsh judgement.
9. Libra’s desire for balance can lead to unexpectedly cutting remarks.

Libras are all about fairness and balance, which you might think would make them diplomatic. And often, they are. But their desire to see all sides of an issue can sometimes lead to them playing devil’s advocate in ways that can seem pretty sharp. Sure, people’s feelings may get hurt, but they just want to make sure all perspectives are considered. But in their quest for balance, they might end up saying things that other people find unnecessarily provocative or critical.
10. Cancer’s protective nature can result in sharp defensive responses.

Cancers are known for being nurturing and caring, but they’ve also got a protective shell for a reason. When they feel that they or their loved ones are being threatened, they can lash out with surprisingly sharp words. Their reactions can seem overly harsh or defensive to other people, but from Cancer’s perspective, they’re just doing what they need to do to protect their emotional wellbeing and the people they care about.
11. Pisces’ intuitive nature can lead to unexpectedly insightful and cutting observations.

Pisces are often seen as dreamy and gentle, but their intuitive nature means they can sometimes see right through people’s facades. When they choose to voice these insights, it can come across as surprisingly sharp and direct. As cruel as this can seem to people who are more sensitive, they just have a knack for understanding people’s hidden motivations and emotions. Sometimes, voicing these observations can feel like a verbal gut punch to those on the receiving end.
12. Taurus’s stubbornness can result in blunt, no-nonsense statements.

Taureans are known for their steady, grounded nature, but they’ve also got a stubborn streak a mile wide. When they’ve made up their mind about something, they’re not afraid to say so in no uncertain terms. Their bluntness can come across as harsh or inflexible to other people. They’re probably not trying to be difficult; they just believe in standing firm in their convictions, even if it means ruffling a few feathers along the way.