Things Every Parent Secretly Celebrates When School Starts Again

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The end of the summer holidays is a bittersweet time for parents everywhere.

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We love our kids, honestly we do, but after weeks of constant “I’m bored” and sibling squabbles, the start of the school year feels like a secret relief. While we might put on a brave face about missing our little ones, here are some things we’re quietly chuffed about when school kicks off again.

1. You can finally go to the bathroom in peace.

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Remember those blissful days when going to the loo didn’t involve an audience? Well, they’re back! No more tiny fingers under the door or constant questions about what you’re doing in there. You can sit on the throne and scroll through your phone without interruption. It’s the little things, isn’t it?

2. The house stays tidy for more than five minutes.

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During the holidays, keeping the house clean feels like a Sisyphean task. But now? You can actually see the floor! No more Lego landmines or finding half-eaten snacks under the sofa. The best part? It stays that way for hours. You might even find yourself just standing in a room, basking in its tidiness.

3. You can watch something other than cartoons on the telly.

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Goodbye, mind-numbing theme songs and talking animals. Hello, grown-up TV! Whether it’s catching up on that gritty drama or binge-watching reality shows, you can finally control the remote without feeling guilty. Plus, you don’t have to pretend to be interested in the 100th episode of Peppa Pig.

4. There’s actual food left in the fridge.

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It’s like magic — you buy groceries, and they’re still there the next day! No more opening the fridge to find it’s been raided by hungry kids who seem to have hollow legs. You might even get to eat your favourite snacks without having to hide them in the back of the cupboard.

5. You can have an uninterrupted conversation with another adult.

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Remember what it’s like to finish a sentence without being interrupted? Or to have a chat that doesn’t revolve around Minecraft, or what’s for dinner? Whether it’s catching up with a mate or having a proper talk with your partner, adult conversation feels like a luxury after weeks of kid-centric chatter.

6. The car doesn’t look like a mobile toy box anymore.

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No more stepping on stray crayons when you get in or finding half-eaten snacks under the seats. Your car can finally return to its pre-summer state. You might even be able to have a ride without the soundtrack of “Are we there yet?” playing on repeat.

7. You can actually complete a task without constant interruptions.

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Whether it’s work, housework, or just reading a book, you can now focus on something for more than five minutes at a time. No more “Mum, I’m thirsty” or “Dad, she’s looking at me funny” every two seconds. The ability to concentrate feels like a superpower after the summer chaos.

8. The washing basket isn’t overflowing every single day.

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How do kids go through so many clothes? With school uniforms in play, the mountain of laundry becomes more of a manageable hill. Plus, you’re not constantly washing swimsuits, beach towels, and grass-stained play clothes. It’s amazing how exciting a less-full washing basket can be.

9. You can actually enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee.

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Gone are the days of reheating your brew in the microwave three times before giving up and drinking it cold. Now you can actually sit down and enjoy a hot drink from start to finish. It’s a small pleasure, but one that feels incredibly luxurious after weeks of lukewarm sips.

10. The constant chorus of “I’m bored” finally stops.

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No matter how many activities you plan or toys they have, kids seem to have an infinite capacity for boredom during the holidays. The start of school means an end to this refrain. They might complain about homework, but at least they’re not expecting you to be their personal entertainment committee anymore.

11. You can go to the shops without it turning into a military operation.

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Remember quick trips to the shop? They exist again! No more planning store visits like tactical missions, trying to avoid the toy aisle, or dealing with tantrums in the queue. You can pop out for milk without it turning into a two-hour ordeal. It’s shopping bliss.

12. The house is actually quiet sometimes.

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After weeks of constant noise — be it squabbling, TV blaring, or general kid chaos — the silence when they’re at school is golden. You might even find yourself turning on music or the radio just to have some background noise. But the ability to choose the soundtrack of your day? Priceless.

13. You don’t have to be a constant referee anymore.

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“He started it!” “She’s copying me!” The sibling squabbles seem endless during the holidays. But now, with kids in separate classrooms, you’re off referee duty for a good chunk of the day. No more settling disputes over who got the bigger slice of cake or whose turn it is on the iPad.

14. You can have a proper lie-in on the weekends.

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During the holidays, the concept of sleeping in goes out the window. But with the routine of school, kids often sleep later on weekends too. This means you might actually get to see the other side of 7am without a small person demanding breakfast or early morning cartoons. Bliss!

15. You get some of your identity back beyond just being “Mum” or “Dad”.

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Don’t get me wrong, being a parent is great. But during the school holidays, it can feel all-consuming. With the kids back at school, you get a chance to remember who you are outside of your parenting role. Whether it’s focusing on work, hobbies, or just having adult conversations, it’s refreshing to reclaim a bit of your pre-kid identity, even if just for a few hours a day.