Tiny Steps To Lift Your Mood When Everything Sucks

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I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it really hard not to get down about, oh, I don’t know, everything in life.

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The world feels like it’s falling apart sometimes, the UK is a mess and I can’t see a way out of it, and, on top of that, we all have personal problems to deal with. It can be really tough not to let the bad stuff in life get the better of you, but it’s important to try to pick yourself up when you’re down. Whenever you’re struggling, here are some things you can try to feel a bit better. They work for me most of the time — hopefully they do for you, too.

1. Crank up your favourite tunes and have a mini dance party.

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There’s something magical about blasting your favourite song and letting loose. Don’t worry about looking silly — just shake what your mama gave you (or… didn’t give you but you wish she did)! Even if it’s just for one song, that burst of movement and music can give you a quick mood boost. Plus, it’s hard to stay grumpy when you’re attempting to moonwalk in your pyjamas.

2. Treat yourself to a small, affordable luxury.

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Sometimes, a little treat can go a long way. It doesn’t have to be expensive — maybe it’s that fancy coffee you usually skip, or a bar of your favourite chocolate. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to enjoy it without guilt. It’s amazing how a small indulgence can make you feel like you’re taking care of yourself.

3. Get outside and soak up some vitamin D.

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I know, we don’t get much of it in Britain, but if it’s there — take advantage of it! Even if it’s just for five minutes, stepping outside can work wonders. Feel the sun on your face (or the rain, if you’re in that kind of mood), breathe in some fresh air, and remind yourself that the world is bigger than your problems. Bonus points if you can find a bit of greenery to look at — nature has a sneaky way of lifting our spirits.

4. Send a message to someone you care about.


Reaching out to a friend or family member can help you feel more connected. It doesn’t have to be a deep conversation — even a simple “Hey, how’s it going?” or sharing a funny meme can brighten both your days. Sometimes, just knowing someone’s thinking of you is enough to make you smile.

5. Do one small task you’ve been putting off.

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Pick something easy and quick — maybe it’s making your bed, or finally tossing that mouldy food from the fridge. Getting even one tiny thing done can give you a sense of accomplishment and control. It’s like giving your brain a high-five and saying, “See? We’ve got this!”

6. Watch some cute animal videos online.

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There’s a reason why cat videos are so popular — they’re an instant mood lifter! Whether it’s puppies being clumsy, cats being dramatic, or any other adorable creature, spending a few minutes watching these videos can help take your mind off your troubles and give you a good laugh.

7. Try a quick and easy mindfulness exercise.

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Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a zen master for this. Just take a minute to focus on your breathing, or try the 5-4-3-2-1 technique: name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It helps ground you in the present moment and can calm a racing mind.

8. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror.

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Yeah, it might feel a bit daft at first, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it! Look yourself in the eye and say something encouraging. It can be as simple as “You’ve got this” or “You’re doing your best, and that’s enough.” Sometimes we all need a little cheerleading, even if it’s from ourselves.

9. Have a quick tidy-up of your immediate surroundings.

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A cluttered space can lead to a cluttered mind. Spend just 5 minutes tidying up the area around you. Clear off your desk, make your sofa look inviting, or organise that pile of stuff you’ve been ignoring. Creating a bit of order in your environment can help you feel more in control and lift your mood.

10. Drink a glass of water.

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It sounds too simple to work, but being even slightly dehydrated can affect your mood. Pour yourself a nice big glass of water and drink up. If plain water bores you, add a slice of lemon or cucumber to make it feel a bit fancy. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

11. Write down three things you’re grateful for.

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When everything seems rubbish, it can be hard to see the good stuff. But try to think of three things, no matter how small, that you’re thankful for. Maybe it’s your comfy socks, or the fact that your neighbour’s dog is cute. Focusing on gratitude, even for tiny things, can help shift your perspective.

12. Do something nice for someone else.

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It might seem counterintuitive when you’re feeling down, but doing a small act of kindness can actually boost your own mood. Send a supportive text to a friend, leave a nice comment on someone’s social media post, or even just smile at a stranger. Spreading a bit of positivity often has a way of coming back to you.

13. Take a power nap.

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Sometimes, the world looks a bit brighter after a quick snooze. Set an alarm for 20 minutes and let yourself drift off. Even if you don’t actually fall asleep, giving your brain a chance to rest and reset can help improve your mood. Just make sure not to oversleep, as that can leave you feeling groggy.

14. Plan something to look forward to.

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Having something positive on the horizon, no matter how small, can give you a little spark of joy. Maybe it’s deciding what takeaway you’ll treat yourself to at the weekend, or planning a movie night with friends. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive — just something that makes you think, “Yeah, that’ll be nice.”