16 Warning Signs You’re In A Marriage Of Convenience


Not all married couples are together because they’re deeply in love.


Maybe they were at one point, but that’s long since faded and these days, they’re still together because, well, it’s easier than getting divorced. Plus, there are some advantages to being coupled up, so they’re fine to just keep on coasting. Does this describe your relationship? If you relate to these things, you may be in a marriage of convenience.

1. There’s a lack of emotional intimacy.


If you and your partner rarely share your thoughts, feelings, or personal experiences, it could be a sign that the emotional connection isn’t as strong as it should be. Emotional intimacy is crucial for a deep and fulfilling relationship, and its absence may point to a relationship that’s more practical than personal.

2. The relationship feels more like a business arrangement.

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When the focus of your marriage is on managing finances, household tasks, or shared responsibilities rather than enjoying each other’s company, it could indicate a relationship of convenience. The marriage may feel more like a partnership for practical purposes than a loving union.

3. There’s little or no physical affection.

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Physical affection is a key part of a romantic relationship. If hugs, kisses, or other forms of closeness have disappeared from your marriage, it may be a sign that the relationship is more about convenience than love.

4. You avoid spending time together.

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If you and your partner often choose to spend time apart rather than enjoying each other’s company, this could suggest that the relationship lacks genuine closeness. A marriage built on convenience may not have the desire to share time and experiences together.

5. You stay together because of financial or practical reasons.

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If the main reason you’re staying in the marriage is financial stability, shared assets, or the comfort of routine, it may be a sign that love isn’t the driving factor in your relationship. Practical considerations may be outweighing emotional connection.

6. The communication is minimal and shallow.

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Conversations that are limited to surface-level topics like schedules, bills, or logistics could be a sign of emotional distance. In a healthy marriage, partners communicate openly and deeply, sharing both the mundane and meaningful aspects of life.

7. You’re staying together for the sake of appearances.

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If your main motivation for staying married is to keep up appearances for family, friends, or society, it’s a clear sign of a marriage of convenience. Maintaining a facade of a happy marriage for other people can lead to long-term dissatisfaction.

8. There’s no excitement or passion in the relationship.

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A lack of excitement or passion may indicate that the spark has faded, leaving the marriage feeling flat and routine. If there’s no effort to rekindle romance or create shared joy, the relationship may be more about comfort than love.

9. You feel more like roommates than partners.

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If your marriage feels like two people sharing a living space rather than a partnership built on love and connection, it could be a sign that the relationship is more about convenience. Living together without true emotional or romantic connection points to a deeper issue.

10. You find yourself fantasising about being with someone else.

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Constant thoughts of being with someone else or imagining a different life may suggest that you’re unfulfilled in your marriage. These thoughts can be a sign that you’re in the relationship for reasons other than love and connection.

11. There’s a lack of shared goals or future planning.

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In a marriage of love, partners often make plans for the future and work toward shared goals. If there’s no discussion about where the relationship is headed, it may indicate a lack of long-term investment in the partnership.

12. You don’t feel emotionally supported.

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A key part of a healthy marriage is feeling emotionally supported by your partner. If you don’t feel like you can rely on your spouse for emotional comfort or advice, it could be a sign that the relationship lacks true emotional depth.

13. You’ve stopped making an effort for each other.

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When neither partner makes an effort to nurture the relationship, whether it’s through gestures of affection, thoughtful communication, or spending quality time together, the marriage may have shifted to one of convenience rather than genuine love.

14. You’re together out of habit, not choice.

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If your relationship continues simply because it’s what you’ve always done, and not because you actively choose to be with your partner, it could be a sign that the marriage is more about convenience. Relationships built on habit often lack true passion and engagement.

15. Conflict is avoided rather than resolved.

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In a marriage of convenience, partners may avoid addressing issues altogether, choosing to live with unresolved tension rather than working through problems. This avoidance can create a distant and superficial relationship dynamic.

16. There’s no emotional fulfilment

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A strong marriage provides emotional fulfilment, where both partners feel happy, understood, and valued. If you don’t feel emotionally fulfilled and are only staying in the relationship for practical reasons, it could be a sign that love has taken a back seat to convenience.