Try These 16 Things Consistently To Earn Respect From People

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Commanding respect isn’t about being overly loud, brash, or domineering.

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In fact, those things are likely to get you the opposite of what you’re looking for. The truth is that earning people’s respect is a whole lot simpler and straightforward than you might think. By developing certain habits and consistently displaying certain behaviours, you turn yourself into the kind of person that no one can help but admire.

1. Keep your word.

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When you say you’ll do something, follow through. If circumstances change, and you can’t keep a promise, communicate openly about it. People appreciate reliability and honesty, even when things don’t go as planned. Consistently keeping your word builds a reputation for trustworthiness that’s hard to shake.

2. Listen actively.

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Really tune in when others are speaking. Put away your phone, make eye contact, and show you’re engaged. Ask thoughtful questions and avoid interrupting. Good listeners are often the most respected people in any group. Active listening also helps you understand others better, leading to more meaningful connections.

3. Admit when you’re wrong.

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We all make mistakes, but owning up to yours shows integrity and maturity. A sincere apology and a commitment to do better can turn a negative situation into an opportunity for growth and increased respect. It takes courage to admit you messed up, but doing so consistently builds a reputation for honesty and self-awareness.

4. Respect people’s time.

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Be punctual for meetings and appointments. If you’re running late, let people know. Valuing other people’s time shows you respect them and their commitments. This habit extends to being prepared for meetings and using time efficiently, which further demonstrates your consideration for other people.

5. Be consistent.

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Align your actions with your words. If you preach kindness, practice it. If you value hard work, demonstrate it. Consistency between what you say and what you do builds trust and respect, and also helps you build a strong personal brand that people can rely on.

6. Show gratitude.

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Regularly express appreciation for other people’s efforts, no matter how small. A heartfelt “thank you” goes a long way in building positive relationships and earning respect. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude also helps you notice and value the contributions of those around you more deeply.

7. Take responsibility.

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Don’t pass the buck or make excuses when things go wrong. Take ownership of your part in any situation. People respect those who step up and take responsibility. It’s a habit that also empowers you to learn from mistakes and continuously improve.

8. Respect boundaries.

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Be mindful of people’s personal space, time, and emotional boundaries. Ask before assuming, and accept “no” gracefully. Respecting other people’s limits shows maturity and earns you respect in return. It also creates a safe environment where people feel comfortable being themselves around you.

9. Stay humble.

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Celebrate your successes, but don’t brag. Share credit where it’s due. Humility doesn’t mean downplaying your achievements; it means acknowledging that success is rarely a solo effort. A humble attitude keeps you open to learning and growing, which are key to long-term success and respect.

10. Be kind consistently.

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Treat everyone with kindness, not just those who can do something for you — and that includes being kind when no one’s watching. Consistent kindness is a hallmark of truly respectable people. It creates a positive atmosphere around you and inspires other people to act kindly as well.

11. Stand up for your beliefs respectfully.

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Have the courage to voice your opinions, even when they’re unpopular. But do so with respect for other people’s viewpoints. People respect those who have conviction but remain open to dialogue. A balance of assertiveness and respect encourages healthy discussions and mutual understanding.

12. Continually learn and grow.

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Stay curious and open to new ideas. Admitting you don’t know something and showing a willingness to learn demonstrates humility and a growth mindset, both highly respectable qualities. An ongoing commitment to personal growth also keeps you adaptable and resilient in the face of change.

13. Follow through on commitments.

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Do what you say you’ll do, even when it’s inconvenient. Reliability is a key component of respect. People value those they can count on, no matter what. Consistently following through also builds self-respect and confidence in your own abilities.

14. Treat everyone equally.

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Show the same level of respect to everyone, regardless of their status or what they can do for you. Total consistency in the way you treat people speaks volumes about your character. It creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

15. Manage your emotions.

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Work on responding rather than reacting in challenging situations. Staying calm under pressure and handling conflicts maturely earns respect from those around you. Developing emotional intelligence also helps you navigate complex social situations more effectively.

16. Be genuine.

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Don’t put on a facade or try to be someone you’re not. Authenticity is magnetic. People respect those who are true to themselves and honest about their strengths and weaknesses. Being genuine also reduces stress and allows for more meaningful connections with people.