14 Weird Ways The Moon Can Affect Your Mood

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The moon has fascinated humans for millennia, inspiring myths, legends, and scientific inquiry.

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While many dismiss lunar effects as pseudoscience, research suggests our celestial neighbour might influence us more than we realise. From sleep patterns to emotional states, the moon’s cycles could be subtly shaping our moods and behaviours. Here are 14 unusual ways the moon might be affecting you, even if you’re not aware of it.

1. Disrupted sleep patterns

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The full moon might be messing with your sleep. Studies show that people tend to take longer to fall asleep and sleep less deeply during a full moon, even when they can’t see it. This lunar influence on our sleep cycles could be a remnant of our evolutionary past, when moonlight extended the day’s activities. The result? You might feel more tired and irritable after a full moon night without knowing why.

2. Increased emotional sensitivity

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Ever feel more on edge around the full moon? You’re not alone. Some research suggests that people report feeling more emotionally sensitive during this lunar phase. This heightened sensitivity could lead to stronger reactions to minor annoyances or a general sense of being more easily moved or upset. It’s as if the moon is amplifying our emotional responses.

3. Heightened creativity

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The moon’s waxing phase, when it’s growing fuller, has been associated with increased creativity. Some artists and writers report feeling more inspired during this time. This boost in creative energy could be linked to the moon’s historical association with the subconscious mind. If you’re working on a creative project, you might find it flows more easily as the moon grows fuller.

4. Altered appetite

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Strange as it sounds, the moon might influence your eating habits. Some people report feeling hungrier during a full moon, while others experience a decrease in appetite. This lunar effect on appetite isn’t fully understood, but could be related to the moon’s influence on our hormones and circadian rhythms. Pay attention to your eating patterns around the full moon — you might notice a difference.

5. Increased risk-taking behaviour


Full moons have long been associated with wild behaviour, and there might be some truth to it. Some studies suggest that people are more likely to engage in risky behaviours during a full moon. This could manifest as anything from making impulsive decisions to being more prone to accidents. If you find yourself feeling unusually bold around the full moon, it might not be a coincidence.

6. Menstrual cycle synchronisation

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For centuries, people have noticed a connection between the moon’s cycles and menstrual cycles. While not universally true, some women report that their periods sync up with lunar phases, particularly the full or new moon. This synchronisation could potentially affect mood and energy levels throughout the month, even for those not consciously aware of the lunar calendar.

7. Increased pain sensitivity

Liubomyr Vorona

If you suffer from chronic pain, you might find it more intense around the full moon. Some studies have found a correlation between lunar phases and reports of pain, particularly for conditions like migraines or arthritis. This increased sensitivity could be due to the moon’s effects on our bodily fluids, similar to how it influences the tides.

8. Enhanced intuition


Many people report feeling more intuitive or psychically sensitive during full moons. While this might sound far-fetched, it could be related to the moon’s influence on our subconscious mind. You might find yourself having more vivid dreams or experiencing stronger gut feelings during this time. Whether you believe in psychic phenomena or not, paying attention to your intuition around the full moon could yield interesting insights.

9. Mood swings


The term “lunatic” comes from the long-held belief that the moon can drive people mad. While this extreme view isn’t supported by science, some people do report experiencing more frequent or intense mood swings around the full moon. These emotional fluctuations could be related to the moon’s effects on sleep and hormones. If you find your moods more volatile during certain lunar phases, the moon might be playing a role.

10. Increased social activity

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Full moons have long been associated with gatherings and celebrations. This could be because the extra light made nighttime activities easier in pre-electricity days. Even now, you might notice an uptick in social invitations or a stronger desire to connect with people around the full moon. This increased sociability could influence your mood, making you feel more energised or, conversely, more drained if you’re introverted.

11. Altered blood pressure

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Some studies suggest that blood pressure might fluctuate with lunar phases. These changes are typically small, but for people with blood pressure issues, they could be noticeable. Higher blood pressure around the full moon could lead to feelings of restlessness or anxiety, while lower blood pressure during other phases might result in fatigue or dizziness.

12. Disrupted circadian rhythms

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The moon’s light, especially during a full moon, can disrupt our natural circadian rhythms. This internal biological clock regulates sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, and other important bodily functions. When it’s thrown off by moonlight, you might experience changes in energy levels, appetite, and mood throughout the day, even if you’re not consciously aware of the moon’s phase.

13. Increased birth rates

William Perugini

While not directly related to mood, it’s interesting to note that some studies have found a correlation between full moons and increased birth rates. If you’re pregnant or know someone who is, the approach of a full moon might bring a sense of anticipation or anxiety. This lunar influence on birth could be related to the moon’s effects on bodily fluids and hormones.

14. Amplified existing mental health conditions

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For people with certain mental health conditions, lunar phases might amplify symptoms. Some studies suggest that hospital admissions for mental health issues increase around the full moon. If you have a mental health condition, you might find your symptoms more pronounced during certain lunar phases. Being aware of this potential influence could help you prepare and manage your mental health more effectively.