What To Text Your Partner When You Want Reassurance

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We all have moments when we crave a bit of reassurance from our partner.

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Whether it’s a stressful day at work, a bit of self-doubt, or just one of those days when everything feels off, a few nice words can make a world of difference, but asking for that reassurance isn’t always easy. Here are some text messages you can send when you need a little boost from your other half.

1. “Hey, I could really use a pick-me-up. Got any to spare?”

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This cute message lets your partner know you’re feeling a bit low without coming across as too needy. It’s playful yet honest, inviting them to offer some words of encouragement. The casual tone makes it easier to ask for what you need without feeling vulnerable. Plus, it gives your partner the opportunity to be there for you in a simple, immediate way.

2. “I’m having one of those days. Could you remind me why you love me?”

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Sometimes, we all need a reminder of our worth, especially from the person closest to us. This text is direct but not demanding. It acknowledges that you’re struggling and specifically asks for affirmation. Most partners will be happy to respond with reasons they care about you, which can be incredibly uplifting when you’re feeling down.

3. “Work’s been really tough lately. I could use some encouragement.”

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When professional life is getting you down, reaching out to your partner can help. This message is straightforward about what you’re dealing with and what you need. It gives your partner context for your request and allows them to offer targeted support. Whether they respond with a pep talk or just some sympathetic words, knowing they’re in your corner can make a big difference.

4. “I’m feeling a bit insecure today. Can you tell me something you like about our relationship?”


This message addresses feelings of insecurity head-on while asking for positive reinforcement about your relationship. It’s vulnerable, but also gives your partner a clear way to help. Their response can remind you of the strong points in your relationship, helping to counteract those insecure feelings.

5. “I miss you. Can we plan something special soon?”


Sometimes, the reassurance we need is about the future of the relationship. This text expresses your feelings and suggests a constructive way to address them. Planning something together can reaffirm your connection and give you both something to look forward to. It’s a subtle way of asking for reassurance through action rather than just words.

6. “I’m overthinking things again. Can you help me get out of my head?”


Many of us struggle with overthinking, and sharing this with your partner can be a relief. This message is honest about what you’re experiencing and directly asks for help. Your partner’s response might offer a new perspective or simply distract you from your worries, both of which can be incredibly helpful when you’re stuck in a thought spiral.

7. “I need a confidence boost. What do you think is my best quality?”

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When self-doubt creeps in, hearing positive things about yourself from someone you trust can be powerful. This question gives your partner the chance to highlight something they admire about you. Their answer might remind you of strengths you’ve forgotten or offer a new perspective on your positive qualities.

8. “I’m feeling a bit neglected. Can we connect more this week?”

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If you’re feeling disconnected, this message addresses the issue directly without being accusatory. It expresses your feelings and suggests a solution. This approach invites your partner to make an effort to reconnect, whether through more frequent communication or quality time together.

9. “I had a dream that upset me. Can you tell me everything’s okay?”

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Dreams can sometimes leave us feeling unsettled, even if we know they’re not real. This text shares your emotional state and asks for simple reassurance. It’s a straightforward way to seek comfort when you’re feeling shaken, but don’t necessarily need to discuss the details of what’s bothering you.

10. “I’m doubting myself today. What’s something you think I’m good at?”

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We all have moments of self-doubt, and hearing our strengths from a loved one can be incredibly reassuring. This question invites your partner to remind you of your capabilities. Their response can help shift your focus from self-criticism to your positive attributes and accomplishments.

11. “I’m feeling a bit lost. Can you remind me of our goals together?”

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When life feels uncertain, remembering the future you’re building with your partner can be grounding. This message expresses your emotional state and asks for a reminder of your shared vision. Discussing your goals can reaffirm your commitment to each other and provide a sense of direction.

12. “I need a distraction. Tell me about your day?”

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Sometimes, the best reassurance comes from shifting focus away from our worries. This text asks your partner to share their experiences, which can help take your mind off whatever’s troubling you. It also shows interest in their life, which can strengthen your connection.

13. “I’m feeling vulnerable. Can you tell me what you value most about our relationship?”

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This message is deeply honest about your emotional state and asks for meaningful reassurance. It invites your partner to reflect on the strengths of your relationship, which can be incredibly affirming when you’re feeling unsure or exposed.

14. “I could use some love. Send me your favourite memory of us?”

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Revisiting happy memories can be a powerful form of reassurance. This text asks your partner to share a positive moment from your relationship. Their response can remind you of the good times you’ve shared and the strong foundation of your relationship.

15. “I’m having a moment of doubt. Can you tell me why you chose me?”

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This message is vulnerable but can lead to a deeply reassuring response. It asks your partner to reflect on their commitment to you, which can be incredibly affirming. Their answer can remind you of your value in the relationship and why you’re special to them.