Marriage is a partnership built on mutual respect and understanding.

While every relationship is unique, there are some basic expectations that aren’t unreasonable. Here are 17 things you can fairly expect from your wife to do — just be sure you’re willing to offer the same in return!
1. Respect your boundaries

It’s totally fair to expect your wife to honour your personal space and limits. Whether it’s knocking before entering a room or respecting your need for alone time, boundaries are crucial for a healthy relationship. This doesn’t mean you’re pushing her away; it’s about maintaining a sense of self within the partnership.
2. Communicate openly and honestly

Expecting your wife to share her thoughts and feelings with you isn’t asking too much. Open communication is the bedrock of any solid relationship. This doesn’t mean she has to spill every little detail, but being able to talk about important stuff without holding back is key. It’s about creating a safe space where both of you can express yourselves without fear of judgment.
3. Pull her weight in household chores

Marriage is a team effort, and that includes keeping the house in order. It’s not unreasonable to expect your wife to contribute to household chores. This doesn’t mean splitting everything 50/50 all the time, but rather finding a balance that works for both of you. Maybe you’re better at cooking while she’s a whiz at organizing — play to your strengths and divide tasks accordingly.
4. Show appreciation for your efforts

Everyone likes to feel valued, and marriage is no exception. Expecting your wife to acknowledge and appreciate the things you do for her and the relationship is totally reasonable. This could be as simple as a “thank you” for taking out the rubbish or recognition for working hard to support the family. It’s about feeling seen and valued in the relationship.
5. Be faithful and loyal

Fidelity is a cornerstone of most marriages, so expecting your wife to be faithful isn’t asking too much. This goes beyond just physical faithfulness — it’s about emotional loyalty too. Trusting that your wife has your back and won’t betray your confidence is a reasonable expectation in a committed relationship.
6. Respect your family and friends

While your wife doesn’t have to be best buddies with all your loved ones, it’s fair to expect her to treat them with respect. This means being civil during family gatherings, not badmouthing your friends, and understanding the importance of these relationships in your life. It’s about creating harmony between all the important people in your world.
7. Support your goals and dreams

Marriage is about partnership, and that includes supporting each other’s aspirations. Expecting your wife to encourage and support your goals isn’t unreasonable. This doesn’t mean she has to agree with every decision, but having her in your corner as you pursue your dreams is part of being in a supportive relationship.
8. Take care of her own health

Expecting your wife to look after her physical and mental health is totally reasonable. This isn’t about keeping up appearances, but about maintaining her well-being for herself and the relationship. Whether it’s going for regular check-ups, exercising, or asking for help when you clearly need it, taking care of oneself is an important part of being a good partner.
9. Be willing to compromise

Marriage often requires give and take, so expecting your wife to be open to compromise isn’t asking too much. This could be about deciding where to go on holiday, how to spend money, or even what to have for dinner. It’s about finding middle ground and solutions that work for both of you.
10. Show affection

Physical and emotional affection are important in a marriage. Expecting your wife to show love and affection in ways that are meaningful to you is reasonable. This could be through hugs, kisses, holding hands, or even just saying “I love you”. It’s about maintaining that connection and feeling loved in the relationship.
11. Be accountable for her actions

We all make mistakes, but it’s fair to expect your wife to own up to hers. This means taking responsibility when she’s in the wrong, apologizing sincerely, and making efforts to make amends. It’s about maturity and respect in the relationship.
12. Respect your career

Your job is a big part of your life, so expecting your wife to respect your career isn’t unreasonable. This doesn’t mean she has to love your job, but understanding its importance to you and being supportive during tough times at work is part of being a supportive partner.
13. Maintain her independence

While marriage is about unity, it’s also reasonable to expect your wife to maintain her own identity and interests. Having her own friends, hobbies, and goals keeps the relationship dynamic and interesting. It’s about two whole individuals coming together, not losing oneself in the relationship.
14. Be willing to grow and change

Life is all about growth, and marriages evolve too. Expecting your wife to be open to personal growth and change as you both navigate life together is reasonable. This could mean being open to couples therapy, learning new skills together, or adapting to new life stages.
15. Respect your need for personal time

Everyone needs some me-time, and it’s fair to expect your wife to understand and respect this. Whether it’s your weekly game night with the guys or your morning jog, having space for personal activities is important for maintaining a healthy balance in the relationship.
16. Be a team player in financial matters

Money can be a big source of stress in marriages, so expecting your wife to be a team player in financial matters is reasonable. This means being transparent about spending, working together on budgets, and making big financial decisions as a team. It’s about creating financial harmony and security together.
17. Celebrate your successes

When good things happen in your life, it’s not too much to expect your wife to celebrate with you. Whether it’s a promotion at work or finally mastering that recipe you’ve been struggling with, having your partner share in your joy makes the wins even sweeter. It’s about having your biggest cheerleader right by your side.