Some people always seem to manage to get their way.
They seem to twist every situation to their advantage, probably because they can be charming, convincing, and downright manipulative. It can be hard to stand your ground when faced with their tactics, but here’s how to do it.
1. Recognise the signs of manipulation.

Awareness is the first step to empowerment. Look for patterns of guilt-tripping, gaslighting, playing the victim, or using emotional blackmail. Once you identify their tactics, you can start to disarm them.
2. Set clear boundaries.

Establish firm limits on what you’re willing to tolerate. Let the manipulative person know what behaviours are unacceptable and what consequences they can expect if they cross those boundaries.
3. Don’t take the bait.

Manipulative people often provoke reactions to gain control. Stay calm, don’t engage in their drama, and refuse to be drawn into their emotional games.
4. Say “no” with confidence.

Don’t feel obligated to agree to every request or demand. Practice saying “no” firmly and without guilt. Your time and energy are valuable, and you have the right to prioritise your own needs.
5. Call out their tactics.

Don’t be afraid to directly address their manipulative behaviour. Point out their attempts to guilt-trip, gaslight, or play the victim. By naming their tactics, you take away their power.
6. Trust your gut.

If something feels off or uncomfortable, it probably is. Don’t ignore your intuition. Trust your instincts and remove yourself from situations that feel toxic or draining.
7. Don’t take it personally.

Remember, their manipulative behaviour is a reflection of their own insecurities and issues, not yours. Don’t let their words or actions define your worth or value.
8. Build a support system.

Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who lift you up and empower you. Talk to trusted friends, family, or a therapist about what you’re experiencing. Having a strong support network will help you stay grounded and resilient in the face of manipulation.
9. Focus on your strengths.

Manipulative people often try to undermine your confidence. Remind yourself of your accomplishments, talents, and positive qualities. Focusing on your strengths will help you resist their attempts to make you feel small or inadequate.
10. Don’t engage in power struggles.

Manipulative people thrive on conflict and drama. Refuse to play their game. Stay calm, assertive, and focused on your goals. Don’t let them drag you into unnecessary arguments or power struggles.
11. Practice self-care.

Dealing with manipulative people can be emotionally draining. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. A healthy mind and body will make you more resilient to their tactics.
12. Don’t be afraid to walk away.

Sometimes, the best way to stand your ground is to remove yourself from the situation entirely. If a relationship is consistently toxic and draining, it might be time to cut ties. You deserve to be surrounded by people who uplift and support you, not manipulate and control you.
13. Get professional help if you need it.

If you’re struggling to cope with a manipulative person, don’t hesitate to talk to a professional. A therapist can provide guidance and support as you navigate this challenging situation. They can help you develop coping mechanisms, build assertiveness, and reclaim your power.
14. Focus on the facts, not their interpretations.

Manipulative people often twist the truth to suit their agenda. Stick to the facts and don’t get caught up in their distorted interpretations. If they try to gaslight you or make you doubt your reality, remind yourself of what you know to be true.
15. Forgive yourself.

It’s okay if you’ve fallen victim to manipulation in the past. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Learn from the experience, forgive yourself, and move forward with newfound wisdom and strength. Remember, you’re not alone, and there’s always hope for a brighter future.