Intelligence is a good thing most of the time, but it can work against you occasionally.

While it’s important to have your wits about you and think things through, it’s possible to be so clever that you end up doing yourself a disservice. Here are some things you might be doing that work against you. The good thing is that if you are guilty of any of these, awareness is the first step to switching things up.
1. You overthink even the simplest decisions.

Whether it’s picking a meal at a restaurant or choosing what to wear, your brain turns even tiny choices into deep, analytical dilemmas. You’ll think through every possible outcome of your decision, even if it’s just breakfast.
2. You often catch yourself “correcting” people… even when you try not to.

Your mind spots errors instantly, whether it’s a wrong fact, mispronunciation, or even a typo. You might hold back, but sometimes the urge to “help” by correcting people gets the best of you. It’s all with good intentions, but not everyone appreciates it!
3. You can’t watch a mystery show without guessing the ending.

Your brain loves picking apart clues, so before the first commercial break, you’re already predicting the ending. You’re right more often than not, but this habit can make watching shows with friends a little less fun when you’ve spoiled the twist.
4. You create complex systems for simple tasks.

From colour-coded planners to elaborate to-do lists, you turn straightforward tasks into full-on projects. While these systems might make you feel organised, sometimes they’re more work than the tasks themselves!
5. You argue with yourself when making decisions.

Your brain loves debating every option, and it’s not unusual to find yourself having a full conversation with yourself over something as minor as whether to buy organic or regular apples. Sometimes you just wish you’d agree with yourself and move on.
6. You give people answers they didn’t ask for.

When someone asks a simple question, your brain goes into overdrive, providing way more detail than they expected. You know you’ve gone too far when their eyes glaze over after your “quick” response.
7. You tend to find loopholes… even if you don’t need them.

If there’s a rule, you’re already thinking of ways around it, just to see if you can. Even if you’re not planning on breaking the rule, the mental exercise of finding a loophole is too tempting to resist.
8. You struggle to keep your ideas “brief.”

Whenever you try to explain something, you end up giving way more context than anyone asked for. You’re only trying to make sure they really understand, but you end up going on a tangent—maybe even two.
9. You have a “fun fact” for almost every topic.

Your brain stores trivia and random facts like a sponge, so whenever a subject comes up, you’re ready with an interesting tidbit. Your friends might look at you in surprise, but you can’t help sharing what you know!
10. You sometimes overcomplicate simple problems.

Instead of picking the obvious solution, your mind goes into “what if” mode and creates five backup plans. In the end, you realise the simplest approach would have been just fine, but your brain can’t help trying to outsmart the problem.
11. You have a hard time letting things go.

If someone says something incorrect, it eats at you until you find a way to subtly “set the record straight.” Your mind just won’t let go of a wrong fact, even if it’s completely trivial.
12. You find yourself getting bored easily.

Your mind craves constant stimulation, so if things get repetitive, you’re already looking for a new puzzle or challenge to dive into. Routine tasks? Not your thing. You need something that keeps you engaged and thinking.
13. You use big words… and sometimes people don’t understand you.

You don’t mean to sound overly technical, but those fancy words just come to mind. Your vocabulary is vast, but sometimes people just give you a blank look and ask you to repeat in simpler terms.
14. You love debating—maybe a little too much.

A good debate gets your mind going, and you can’t resist jumping into discussions. You’re not trying to argue; you just enjoy the back-and-forth, even if the topic is as silly as the “best pizza topping.”
15. You can get lost in your thoughts mid-conversation.

Sometimes, your mind is so busy connecting ideas that you completely zone out during a conversation. You might look up and realise you missed half of what was said, lost in your own clever thoughts.
16. You’re often the “go-to” for random questions.

Your friends and family know you’ll probably have the answer, or at least an educated guess, to just about any random question. You enjoy it, but sometimes you wonder if they think of you as their personal encyclopedia!