Bad moods are sneaky. They start as a tiny cloud of grumpiness, then BAM! – everything is irritating and nothing feels right. But you don’t have to succumb to a full-blown funk. Shifting your mood quickly takes some practice, but these simple strategies can help you get the negativity out of your system and back to feeling like yourself in no time.
1. Get moving – shake it out, literally!

Don’t underestimate the power of physical activity to change your emotional state. A quick burst of exercise releases endorphins and gets your blood flowing. Do some jumping jacks, put on a dance song and get silly, or punch a pillow. Just getting your body moving helps you let off steam.
2. Blast some upbeat tunes that make you want to move.

Music has a profound effect on mood. Create a mood-boosting playlist packed with songs that make you smile. Turn it up loud and sing along badly – the combination of joyful noise and a little bit of ridiculousness is guaranteed to crack your grumpy facade.
3. Take 5 deep belly breaths, focusing on your exhale.

When we’re stressed or in a bad mood, our breathing becomes shallow. Consciously taking some deep inhales through the nose, followed by a slow exhale through the mouth activates your relaxation response and can quickly calm a churning mind.
4. Change your scenery, even for a few minutes.

Stagnant energy breeds a stagnant mood. Step outside for some fresh air, take a quick walk around the block, or even just relocate to a different room. A change in surroundings can interrupt the negative thought loop and create a mental reset.
5. Seek out something adorable: puppy videos, baby animal pics, or your own pet.

The cuteness factor is a potent mood booster. Browse a few minutes’ worth of ridiculously cute animal photos, watch a heartwarming video, or better yet, cuddle up with your own pet. That flood of happy brain chemicals helps melt away the grumpiness.
6. Find one thing to be grateful for and say it out loud.

It sounds corny, but it works! Gratitude shifts your focus away from what’s going wrong. Force yourself to vocalize even a tiny thing you appreciate: the sunshine, a good cup of coffee, a friend who always makes you laugh. It’s hard to stay grumpy when you acknowledge the good, even in small doses.
7. Splash some cold water on your face or wrists.

A quick jolt of cold water can literally shock you out of a funk. It increases alertness and provides a momentary distraction from your bad mood, long enough to regroup.
8. Do a quick act of kindness for someone else.

Shifting your focus outside yourself breaks the cycle of negativity. Pay for the person’s coffee behind you, leave a positive note for a stranger, or text a friend just to say you’re thinking of them. Doing something nice floods you with good vibes and puts your own problems in perspective.
9. Recite a funny phrase, movie quote, or inside joke that makes you laugh.

Even forced laughter triggers feel-good chemicals. Remember that absurd saying, the ridiculous inside joke only you and your best friend find funny, or a classic comedy line that cracks you up every time. Activating the laughter response lightens the mood, even for a moment.
10. Clean or organize just one small thing.

A sense of order can combat the chaos in your head. Attack one messy drawer, clean off your desk, or organize your sock collection. Taking productive action shifts your focus and gives you a small win that helps chip away at the negativity.
11. Give yourself a time limit to wallow, then move on.

Sometimes, you just need to let the grumpy wave wash over you for a while. Set a timer for 10 minutes, vent in your journal, blast an angry song, and give yourself permission to feel the bad feels. Once the timer’s up, take a deep breath and consciously shift gears.
12. Watch a stand-up comedy special or a silly YouTube video.

Nothing breaks through a bad mood like genuine laughter. Find a comedian you love or search for ridiculous animal videos that never fail to make you giggle. Laughter is contagious and can quickly transform a sour mood.
13. Engage your senses with something pleasurable.

Combat negativity with sensory delights. Put on a fuzzy sweater, smell a favorite essential oil, sip a delicious cup of tea, savor a piece of dark chocolate. Focusing on simple pleasures interrupts the negativity loop and provides a little moment of joy.
14. Look at photos from happy memories.

A dose of nostalgia goes a long way. Scroll through photos of good times, fun vacations, or hilarious nights with friends. Reminding yourself of joyful moments shifts your perspective and reminds you that the bad mood is temporary.