People Who Think They’re Clever But Really Aren’t Often Say These 14 Things

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Why is it that the people who think they’re the smartest ones in the room happen to say the dumbest things?

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They’re so intent on showing off their so-called intelligence that they don’t stop to think about what’s coming out of their mouths. As a result, they end up coming out with some real clunkers that are insensitive, inappropriate, and often downright untrue. Here are some of the more common phrases you’ll hear from these self-proclaimed geniuses. A lot of these will probably sound pretty familiar!

1. “Actually, you’re wrong.”

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Starting with “actually” is their signature move, even when they’re not entirely sure of the facts. It’s less about being helpful and more about trying to one-up everyone else. If only they knew how often they’re not quite right!

2. “It’s common sense.”

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When they can’t explain something properly, they default to calling it “common sense.” Ironically, what they mean is, “I don’t fully understand this either.” True cleverness lies in explaining things without making anyone feel small.

3. “I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking.”

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Translation: they’re sharing an opinion no one asked for, and it’s likely not as profound as they think. Most of the time, no one else was thinking it at all. The real skill? Knowing when to keep those thoughts to themselves.

4. “I don’t need to do research—I already know.”

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Nothing screams overconfidence like dismissing research as unnecessary. If only they realised that true intelligence comes from being open to learning. After all, even experts double-check their facts!

5. “It’s not rocket science.”

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This phrase is their go-to for oversimplifying things they don’t fully understand themselves. It’s their way of brushing off complexity while secretly hoping no one asks for details. In reality, not everything is as simple as they make it sound.

6. “I read somewhere that…”

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They’ll start a claim with this vague phrase, hoping it makes them sound informed. The source? Probably a meme or a comment thread. If pressed for details, they often can’t remember where they “read” it.

7. “I’ve done my own research.”

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This usually translates to a quick Google search and cherry-picking articles that confirm their opinions. They might mean well, but cleverness comes from understanding all sides of an argument, not just the bits that agree with them.

8. “Let me play devil’s advocate.”

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While healthy debate is great, they’ll often use this line to argue for the sake of arguing, even when it’s unnecessary. True cleverness isn’t about proving a point—it’s knowing when to listen instead of stir the pot.

9. “I’m just brutally honest.”

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They’ll say this as a defence after making a tactless or rude comment. Honesty doesn’t require being harsh, but they often confuse bluntness with cleverness. Real intelligence is knowing how to be kind and honest at the same time.

10. “I’m always right about these things.”

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Overconfidence at its finest! Declaring themselves “always right” is their way of shutting down any disagreement. Of course, the truly clever know that admitting when they’re wrong only makes them stronger in the long run.

11. “I’m a bit of a genius, really.”

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Any time someone has to declare their genius, it’s probably best to take it with a pinch of salt. The truly clever let their actions and ideas speak for themselves. A little humility goes a long way in earning respect.

12. “You just don’t get it.”

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If their idea isn’t landing, they’ll blame everyone else’s understanding rather than their own explanation. Cleverness means communicating ideas clearly, not dismissing people when they ask questions. A good idea doesn’t need excuses to stand out.

13. “I don’t mean to brag, but…”

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What follows is usually a humblebrag disguised as modesty. They think it sounds impressive, but it often lands awkwardly. Cleverness shines when achievements are shared naturally, not shoved into every conversation.

14. “I’m not like other people.”

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They’ll say this to set themselves apart, but it often comes across as trying too hard. True uniqueness doesn’t need announcing—it just is. The truly clever let their individuality shine without a disclaimer.