We all know that person who can’t stop talking about how great they are.

It’s exhausting, right? An inflated ego isn’t just annoying — it can seriously damage relationships and hold you back in life. If you catch yourself saying any of these phrases, it might be time for a reality check. Remember, true confidence doesn’t need to constantly announce itself.
1. “I’m just being honest”

This is often a cover for being rude or insensitive. If you find yourself using this phrase frequently, you might be valuing your own opinion over other people’s feelings. There’s a difference between honesty and tactlessness.
2. “I’m overqualified for this”

Even if you believe it’s true, saying this out loud rarely does you any favours. It can come across as ungrateful and arrogant. Instead of complaining, focus on how you can add value in your current role.
3. “I’m too good for that”

Whether it’s a task at work or a social invitation, this phrase screams entitlement. Nobody’s too good for anything. A humble attitude will take you much further than a superiority complex.
4. “I don’t need anyone’s help”

Newsflash: everyone needs help sometimes. Refusing assistance doesn’t make you strong; it makes you stubborn. There’s no shame in acknowledging that you can’t do everything alone.
5. “I’m always right”

If you genuinely believe this, you’re in for a rude awakening. Nobody’s always right, and insisting that you are just makes you look foolish. Be open to the possibility that you might be wrong sometimes.
6. “I’m the best at…”

Unless you’ve got an Olympic gold medal or a world record to back it up, this claim is probably exaggerated. Even if you excel at something, constantly declaring it makes you sound insecure rather than confident.
7. “That’s beneath me”

This phrase is a guaranteed way to alienate people. It suggests that you think you’re better than people or certain tasks. A truly confident person isn’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and do what needs to be done.
8. “I don’t care what anyone thinks”

While it’s good not to be overly concerned with other people’s opinions, completely disregarding them isn’t healthy either. This phrase often masks a deep-seated need for approval.
9. “I’m just saying what everyone’s thinking”

No, you’re not. You’re saying what you’re thinking, and assuming everyone agrees with you is pretty egotistical. Other people are capable of forming their own opinions.
10. “I could do your job with my eyes closed”

This is not only disrespectful but also likely untrue. Every job has its challenges, and dismissing someone else’s work like this shows a lack of empathy and understanding.
11. “I’m sorry you feel that way”

This non-apology is a classic move of someone who can’t admit they might be wrong. It shifts the blame onto the other person’s feelings rather than acknowledging any mistake on your part.
12. “I’m just playing devil’s advocate”

Sometimes this is a valid discussion technique, but often it’s just an excuse to be contrary or show off your debating skills. Not every conversation needs to be a debate.
13. “You’re lucky to have me”

Even if you believe this, saying it out loud is a major ego red flag. Let your actions speak for themselves. If you’re truly valuable, people will recognise it without you having to tell them.
14. “I’m a genius”

Unless you’re quoting an IQ test result, this comes off as extremely arrogant. True intelligence includes the humility to recognise how much you don’t know.
15. “I’m not like other girls/guys”

This phrase suggests you think you’re special or superior to everyone. Everyone is unique in their own way — you don’t need to put people down to elevate yourself.
16. “I’m just telling it like it is”

Similar to “I’m just being honest,” this is often an excuse for being unnecessarily blunt or unkind. There are ways to be truthful without being hurtful.
17. “You couldn’t handle my lifestyle”

This implies that your life is somehow more exciting or challenging than anyone else’s. It’s dismissive and often used to mask insecurity about one’s own choices.
18. “I don’t need to prove anything to anyone”

While it’s true that you shouldn’t live your life trying to prove yourself, this phrase is often used defensively when someone’s ego is threatened.
19. “I’m not bragging, but…”

Spoiler alert: you’re probably about to brag. If you feel the need to preface a statement with this, it might be worth reconsidering whether it needs to be said at all.
20. “I’m an expert in…”

Unless you have credentials to back this up, it’s best to avoid declaring yourself an expert. True expertise is often recognised by other people, not self-proclaimed.
21. “You’re just jealous”

This is a classic deflection tactic used when someone can’t handle criticism. It assumes that any negative feedback must be rooted in envy rather than valid concerns.