12 Little Reasons To Be Proud Of Being British

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There’s something special about being British that goes beyond the obvious stuff like tea and the Queen.

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While there’s certainly a lot to be critical (and even ashamed) of when it comes to our history as well as the current state of affairs here, that’s not the whole story. There are plenty of little everyday moments and habits that actually make us smile about where we’re from.

1. The universal love of a proper brew

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We know exactly how everyone in the office likes their tea, down to the precise shade and sugar count. The electric kettle is the first thing we unpack in a new home. Making a round of tea is basically a form of care-taking, and leaving someone out of the round is practically criminal. During any crisis, big or small, the kettle goes on first — it’s just what we do.

2. Our unique Sunday ritual

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There’s something sacred about a proper Sunday roast, whether at the local pub or at home. The gentle argument over Yorkshire pudding portions, the fight for the crispiest roasties, the satisfaction of proper gravy. Everyone has their own strong opinions about what makes the perfect roast, and we’ll defend our preferences passionately. The whole day seems to revolve around this one meal.

3. The Greggs appreciation society

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We’ve all felt that moment of joy spotting a Greggs when properly hungry. The steak bake becomes a legitimate breakfast choice when you’re running late. The quiet pride of knowing exactly when your local branch puts out the fresh sausage rolls. Everyone has their go-to order, and we’ll passionately defend why it’s superior to all others.

4. The corner shop relationship

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That familiar nod from the person behind the counter who knows your usual purchases. The relief of finding it open when you’ve run out of milk at 10pm. The silent understanding when you come in for emergency snacks in your pyjamas. They’ve seen you through breakups, hangovers, and celebrations, never judging, always there.

5. Bank holiday weather acceptance

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We plan outdoor events knowing full well it’ll probably rain. We’ll have BBQs under umbrellas and sit in beer gardens while it drizzles. The more important the outdoor plan, the more likely the weather will turn. Yet we persist in our optimistic outdoor planning, buying disposable BBQs at the first sight of sun.

6. The M&S meal deal excitement

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The thrill of spotting the dine-in for £10 offer with a decent bottle of wine included. The strategic planning of your choices to get maximum value. The satisfaction of getting that fancy main you’ve been eyeing up for weeks. The small victory of timing it perfectly with your favourite dessert being in stock.

7. The unspoken night bus code

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Everyone knows the top deck is where the drama happens. The mutual silent agreement to pretend we can’t hear the loud phone calls and singing. The strategic choice of seating to avoid the inevitable someone being sick. The relief of spotting other regular night bus users who know the rules.

8. Charity shop treasure hunting

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The genuine excitement of finding designer labels hidden among the rails. Those satisfying Saturdays spent wandering between different charity shops on the high street. The pride in telling people where you really got that vintage jacket. The thrill of finding books you’ve been wanting to read for 50p.

9. The shared experience of BBC childhood

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The instant bond over remembering Tracy Beaker or Blue Peter. The way certain theme tunes can transport us back to sick days off school. The collective memory of watching Art Attack and thinking we could definitely recreate those masterpieces. The comfort of hearing the same voices reading bedtime stories on CBeebies.

10. The unique regional pride

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The fierce defence of your local delicacy, whether it’s parmos, chip spice, or proper barms. The instant connection with anyone else from your hometown when away. The detailed knowledge of which local chippy does the best curry sauce. The way your accent gets stronger when talking to someone from back home.

11. The supermarket loyalty

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The way we judge people’s life choices based on their supermarket preference. The subtle upgrade to Waitrose when the parents visit. The fierce defence of why your chosen supermarket is superior. The secret shame of sneaking into a competitor for their specific meal deal or bakery section.

12. The British festival fortitude

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The acceptance that wellies are essential even during a heatwave. The military-level planning that goes into packing the perfect festival supplies. The way we embrace becoming completely feral after three days in a field. The shared experience of trudging through mud while insisting we’re having the time of our lives.