14 Embarrassing Money-Saving Tactics We’ve All Tried

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In the quest to stretch our pounds further, we’ve all resorted to some rather creative—and occasionally cringe-worthy—money-saving tactics.

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From smuggling our own snacks into the cinema to questionable DIY attempts, our efforts to pinch pennies can sometimes lead us down paths we’d rather not admit to. Here are some of the most embarrassing money-saving strategies that many of us have secretly employed in our pursuit of frugality.

1. You’ve pretended it’s your birthday at a restaurant for free dessert.

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We’ve all been tempted by the allure of free birthday treats at restaurants. Perhaps you’ve convinced your friends to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you, despite it being months away from your actual birthdate You might have even gone as far as to carry a fake ID with a convenient birthdate. The mixture of guilt and excitement as the wait staff approach with a complimentary slice of cake is a unique cocktail of emotions that only true penny-pinchers understand.

2. You’ve ‘borrowed’ your neighbour’s Wi-Fi for months.

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In a moment of financial desperation, you’ve found yourself perched near your window, laptop in hand, trying to catch a signal from your neighbour’s unsecured Wi-Fi. What started as a one-time thing has turned into months of piggybacking on their internet. You’ve become an expert at finding the sweet spot in your flat where the signal is strongest, and you live in constant fear that they’ll finally set a password.

3. You’ve worn clothes with the tags still on, planning to return them later.

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That special occasion outfit you couldn’t quite afford? You’ve worn it out, carefully hiding the tags, only to return it the next day. The shop assistant’s suspicious look as you claim, “It just wasn’t right for me,” is etched in your memory. You’ve perfected the art of keeping clothes pristine for one night, becoming a master of strategic tag placement and delicate movements.

4. You’ve raided the condiments section at fast food restaurants.

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Your kitchen drawers are stuffed with packets of ketchup, salt, and sugar pilfered from various fast food joints. You’ve mastered the art of casually grabbing handfuls of sauce sachets while maintaining an innocent expression. Your friends mock your ‘sauce hoarding’, but little do they know it’s all part of your grand money-saving scheme.

5. You’ve attended timeshare presentations solely for the free gifts.

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Despite having zero interest in purchasing a timeshare, you’ve sat through hours of hard-sell presentations for the promise of free hotel stays or gadgets. You’ve honed your ability to resist sales pitches, perfecting the art of looking interested while mentally planning how you’ll use your free gift. The awkward moment when you finally admit you’re not buying anything is always painful, but hey, free stuff is free stuff.

6. You’ve ‘accidentally’ not mentioned an item at the self-checkout.

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The self-checkout machine has become your accomplice in the occasional act of ‘forgetting’ to scan an item. You’ve mastered the art of nonchalantly passing items over the scanner without actually scanning them. The guilty rush as you exit the shop, convinced that everyone knows what you’ve done, is a feeling you’re all too familiar with.

7. You’ve gone on first dates purely for the free meal.


In times of financial struggle, you’ve found yourself accepting dinner invitations from people you have no romantic interest in. You’ve sat through awkward conversations, feigning interest, all for the sake of a free meal. The guilt sets in as you order the most expensive item on the menu, knowing full well there won’t be a second date.

8. You’ve fashioned household items into makeshift beauty tools.

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Unable to justify the cost of professional beauty tools, you’ve resorted to some creative DIY solutions. Perhaps you’ve used dental floss for at-home eyebrow threading or a fork for curling your hair. Your bathroom cabinet is filled with repurposed items that would make a beautician cringe, but hey, they get the job done… sort of.

9. You’ve strategically planned your social life around free food events.

lots of friends at a dinner tableSource: Unsplash

Your calendar is meticulously filled with every free food event in town. Art gallery openings, product launches, and supermarket tastings have become your main source of sustenance. You’ve perfected the art of mingling just enough to blend in without drawing attention to the fact that you’re primarily there for the canapés.

10. You’ve become a master of the ‘free trial’ loophole.

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Your email inbox is filled with accounts for various streaming services, all under slightly different variations of your name. You’ve set multiple reminders to cancel each free trial just before it expires. The thrill of getting another month of free entertainment is matched only by the panic when you forget to cancel in time.

11. You’ve resorted to extreme measures to squeeze out the last drop of product.

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The sight of you cutting open tubes of toothpaste or adding water to nearly empty shampoo bottles is familiar to your housemates. You’ve been known to store bottles upside down for days, determined to use every last drop. Your bathroom looks like a product graveyard, with mangled containers testifying to your frugality.

12. You’ve faked a break-up to cancel a gym membership.

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Trapped in a long-term gym contract, you’ve resorted to elaborate stories to cancel without paying the fee. You’ve spun tales of sudden relocations or fake break-ups, complete with crocodile tears. The awkward conversation with the gym staff as you plead your case is a memory that still makes you cringe.

13. You’ve become a pro at sneaking snacks into the cinema.

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Your coat pockets are designed to smuggle an entire meal into the cinema. You’ve mastered the art of quiet snacking, timing your crunches with loud moments in the film. The fear of being caught with your contraband snacks adds an extra thrill to every cinema visit.

14. You’ve attended every free class at your local community centre.

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From pottery to Zumba, you’ve tried every free class available, regardless of your interest or aptitude. You’ve found yourself in bizarre situations, like struggling through an advanced knitting class or being the only adult in a children’s storytelling session. Your eclectic set of half-learned skills is a testament to your dedication to free entertainment.